Hails to the message board


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2004
Well Well,
I gotta say Noel, If there was a NL metal messag eboard that people could find then this might just be it. Its a little weird that all the community chatter has to take place on the Fireign Message board-a band that dosent even exist anymore!!??

that being said I wonder if peope will ever post here?

With all message boards its the will of the people that will make it or not.

The good thing about a message board such as this with regiatration FLAMERS will not be able to have such free reign as they do on the Fireign message board that does not require registration.

I guess well just have to wait and see. time will tell.

I'd rather post here since Fireign are no more, and since the format of their board looks like 1997. :) No offense to the band, but I think this forum format is much easier and cooler to use.

I still check this message board to see if there are any metal shows on. Since I'm a relative newcomer to NL and I seem to be older than most of the people posting on the Fireign board (i.e. I'm not in metal social circles here), these metal boards are the only way I hear about shows. Even if I don't manage to make it to every show, I like to keep up with what's happening so I know who's worth going to see. To date, I've only been to the Infernal Majesty show and I've been here for 2 years. I really need to go to more shows - it's a disgrace. :grin:
Scurvy said:
I still check this message board to see if there are any metal shows on. Since I'm a relative newcomer to NL and I seem to be older than most of the people posting on the Fireign board (i.e. I'm not in metal social circles here), these metal boards are the only way I hear about shows. Even if I don't manage to make it to every show, I like to keep up with what's happening so I know who's worth going to see. To date, I've only been to the Infernal Majesty show and I've been here for 2 years. I really need to go to more shows - it's a disgrace. :grin:
I haven't been to a show since Infernal Majesty either...I ususally stay away from the all ages shows since it's not really all ages but an "18 and under" show. Too bad everyone into metal didn't goto a show regardless of what age group it was setup for, but its not like that for some reason or another. I've went to some of the all ages shows and I felt out of place since I'm in my 30's and everyone there was about 1/2 my age! So I'll stick to bar shows for now.
NFMetalLegion said:
I haven't been to a show since Infernal Majesty either...I ususally stay away from the all ages shows since it's not really all ages but an "18 and under" show. Too bad everyone into metal didn't goto a show regardless of what age group it was setup for, but its not like that for some reason or another. I've went to some of the all ages shows and I felt out of place since I'm in my 30's and everyone there was about 1/2 my age! So I'll stick to bar shows for now.
I agree. I'm 28 so I don't really feel like going to watch a band surrounded by people considerably younger than me either. It just makes me feel like an old bastard that's crashing the party. The fact I enjoy beer kind of sways my decision too.
I can totally understand that the older crowd may not go to the "all ages " shows with it being mainly younger people attending.
But once those girls grow up itll be party time!!!

I end up being at them cause i play the gigs with skull face and others most of the time and there are rarely metal bar shows. the ones that there are are either held at junctions or are just lame nu-metal bands or other types that im just not interested in.
and truth be told there is not really a market for metal in the bar scene here.
its in the all ages scene where you get hundreds of kids going and really having a good time, unlike the bar scene where the crowd crosses their arms and dosent get into the music very much.

speaking of metal bar shows...isnt there a sonic warfare metal show coming up soon????

sounds like a good line up from what i hear but i will be in HFX seeing shows over there.

P.S.-Evil G- are you also a moderator here??? or did you start this board??
For some reason I thought it was Noel S and mabye it is.....
