evergrey the last year said... european tour spain is a date. this year the shame and in the last moment.Shit for the spanish people
I always buy the tickets and in the last moment.... canceled.
The people of la coruña in spain was very happy because never a band so big and great comes to la coruña.
dont can be that always spain are the left alone.
promises that comes when can but false promises because im sure that never comes to la coruña.
i want to sold my evergrey cd´s.sorry for my english and evergrey please learn to be seryus and formal.

Yo soy la madre de Tom y te aseguro que nadie está más triste que yo por esta cancelación.Vivo en canarias y tengo el vuelo comprado para Madrid el domingo y aqui me quedo.
espero que entiendas que el grupo está destrosado, no SOLO ha pasade esto de robo sino muchas cosas más que esto,toda la gira ha sido un disastre y como el top ten. robo de los instrumentos.
Todos están destrosados,ya sabes que han tenido varios problemas los dos últimos años y ahora ésto.Solo esperamos que los fans tengan aguante igual que tiene el mismo Tom y Rick,los últimos miembros viejos que quedan.
Dicen que todo lo que pasa conviene; espero de toda mi corazon que todo esto tenga un significativo positivo.
Ya vas a tener más noticias de ellos mismos aqui en el foro.
un beso de una fan-madre

The following, is a message from the Italian support band who was in tour with Evergrey.
So everyone thinking that they don't want to perform in are just insane! Even other bands suppor the guys, so wake up and be with them!

"Hi guys!
I'm maxim ,p-tsd drummer.
I'm going to talk about the theft that happened in Rome.

Just like everyone else, we're very sorry for what happened, we are so ashamed that the theft happened in our country (as official support band).
Personally, I'm deeply embittered of seeing a fantastic group of persons, very humane and with whom we bonded so much; so happy to come in Italy to visit our country, and who found themselves in the worst situation ever.
Luckly, they are smart people who, when we apologised as Italians citiziens, told us that we had nothing to apologise for, and that could have happened anywhere else in the world...
...but, once again, Italy showed that there is something wrong, that it keeps on heading towards the wrong way.
What else can I say? These are situations that leave us disconcerted and sad, and that make you think about how hard is to finally find a way of changing.
Let's wait and let's hope in better moments.

rock on!"
I had the pleasure of being at the concert in Warsaw - it was really great.
When I heard that they had been robbed in few days later - I felt sad. I hope that insurance company will pay them ANY money and I hope that they will continue their tour.

Evergrey - I'm with you!

Ps. I think at the concert in Loyn, as they said, they used suports equipment.
Soy la madre de Tom y vivo en España,en Canarias.También perdí el dinero del vuelo para Madrid y te aseguro que Evergrey no han cancelado porque no quieren venir a España. Solo que han sufrido ese robo y más cosas que vas a saber más adelante,.
espero que no creas en los rumores de que tienen algo contra ESPAÑA.Al revez!!es uno de sus lugares preferidos porque parate de su familia vive aqui.
No se porque siempre nos toca la mala suerte.¿¿es la segunda vez ya,
Bueno, han perdido muchissimo de dinero y no se de dónde sacan los ánimos.Ahora han alquilado un van para volver a tocar en Holanda, conduciendo ellos mismos porque no hay pasta para más,
Una gira es una cosa con unos gastos enormes y NADIE CANCELA porque les den ganas,espero que todos los fans que leen esto lo entiendan.

un saludo
evergrey the last year said... european tour spain is a date. this year the shame and in the last moment.Shit for the spanish people
I always buy the tickets and in the last moment.... canceled.
The people of la coruña in spain was very happy because never a band so big and great comes to la coruña.
dont can be that always spain are the left alone.
promises that comes when can but false promises because im sure that never comes to la coruña.
i want to sold my evergrey cd´s.sorry for my english and evergrey please learn to be seryus and formal.
The following, is a message from the Italian support band who was in tour with Evergrey.
So everyone thinking that they don't want to perform in are just insane! Even other bands suppor the guys, so wake up and be with them!

"Hi guys!
I'm maxim ,p-tsd drummer.
I'm going to talk about the theft that happened in Rome.

Just like everyone else, we're very sorry for what happened, we are so ashamed that the theft happened in our country (as official support band).
Personally, I'm deeply embittered of seeing a fantastic group of persons, very humane and with whom we bonded so much; so happy to come in Italy to visit our country, and who found themselves in the worst situation ever.
Luckly, they are smart people who, when we apologised as Italians citiziens, told us that we had nothing to apologise for, and that could have happened anywhere else in the world...
...but, once again, Italy showed that there is something wrong, that it keeps on heading towards the wrong way.
What else can I say? These are situations that leave us disconcerted and sad, and that make you think about how hard is to finally find a way of changing.
Let's wait and let's hope in better moments.

rock on!"
Yes.They got stolen in Italy after Rom Venue .They did 2 venues after that with instruments they got help with from the venues and fans and other groups.The manager lives in Canada maybe thats because the time diferenses.
They went directly from Roma to Bresica and then to Lyon to make those 2 gigs and from there back to Sweden.
Now the have rent a van to go back to Holand and make 2 venues there.
Did you not see the police raport?

So their gear gets stolen after the show on Sunday evening. They did the show in Bresica (correct?) so they must have had the gear then. But the message from the manager was posted on Sunday afternoon?
Then they decide they can do the show in Lyon. And they can do the shows in The Netherlands at the end of the tour. But they can not the shows in Portugal and Spain between Lyon and The Netherlands?
Can this be right?[/QUOTE]
This really sucks!!! :bah: The police report list (anyone here needs another proof? F**k off!) looks expensive indeed.
They should set up a Paypal donation option on their website. I would donate for sure no matter whether the insurance pays or not. Good music deserves good money!
Hi everybody!
I'm Spanish and I'm living in Poland this year.

I had the chance of seeing Evergrey live in Warsaw, the 2nd gig of the last tour. It wasn't a good show, for many reasons not directly related to the band, I think. After the concert Tom was among the people. I saw him at my side when I was looking at the merchandising. I didn't say anything ('cause you know, what to say in that situations?). Now I regret that. If I could come back in time I would say him:

Man, I think "Torn" is one of the best metal records of the last years. I'm sorry that several members split. And good luck for the rest of the tour.

But, after what happened, shit! I think they deserve all the SUPPORT of their followers. More than bad moments, its a chain of misfortune! And I think nobody should think they hate Spain (and Portugal by the way). So:


And for Tom's mom:
Me alegro mucho de saber que vive en España. Lamento la racha de mala suerte que ha tenido su hijo y la banda. Espero que todo cambie a mejor. Un abrazo!
gracias por tus palabras,Que pena que no hablaste con Tom,el es muy natural y amable con sus fans.
Esperemos que esto fue la última cosa mala que pasó a Evergrey, espero que hayas visto el video y sepas que la banda se separó como amigos y sin rencores.son muy amigos.
Yo tambien quiero mucho a Torn y cuando lo escuché la primera vez (fué las navidades cuando terminaron de grabar y estuve en Suecia) sentí una sensación de grandesa, no se como explicarlo pero vi en mi interior Evergrey en escenarios grandes,dónde creo que pertenece, y pesé que las penas se han acabado.por eso lo que pasó en esta gira fué muy duro para todos pero ya sabes que ellos no van a rendir sino seguir adelante y fans como tú y muchos más que les adoran les ayudan aguantar y seguir.

Un beso
Hi everybody!
I'm Spanish and I'm living in Poland this year.

I had the chance of seeing Evergrey live in Warsaw, the 2nd gig of the last tour. It wasn't a good show, for many reasons not directly related to the band, I think. After the concert Tom was among the people. I saw him at my side when I was looking at the merchandising. I didn't say anything ('cause you know, what to say in that situations?). Now I regret that. If I could come back in time I would say him:

Man, I think "Torn" is one of the best metal records of the last years. I'm sorry that several members split. And good luck for the rest of the tour.

But, after what happened, shit! I think they deserve all the SUPPORT of their followers. More than bad moments, its a chain of misfortune! And I think nobody should think they hate Spain (and Portugal by the way). So:


And for Tom's mom:
Me alegro mucho de saber que vive en España. Lamento la racha de mala suerte que ha tenido su hijo y la banda. Espero que todo cambie a mejor. Un abrazo!