Google Buzz...

No , 'Wave' - their attempt to take instant messaging and online-collaborations to a new level - is still in 'preview phase'.

'Buzz' is rather their answer to Twitter, Facebook etc. A social network for communication without instant, direct feedback.

The novelty aspect about 'Buzz' is the principle of having every status update, every "Buzz", connected to your physical location.

It's also the reason why it's foremost meant to be used as a mobile application.

Google announcing 'Buzz' came more or less out of the blue for insiders and many instantly predicted it too be very "late to market". The usage statistics of the first few days don't indicate that, but only time will tell...

What left a sour taste with many very early adopters was the fact that you couldn't restrain the infos about your location and status updates from anybody. Google surprisingly fast updated those privacy mechanisms.

The data collected with 'Buzz' is like a wet dream from many market researchers because the users update their location automatically with every Buzz. Those new privacy mechanisms could be a bump for this initial euphoria though.
It's another thing with 'google' appended to it that we don't need, and never will.

I´m a big fan of Google stuff. Excluding Picasa and Sketch3D, that I don´t have use for, I use pretty much everything from them. The search engine, GMail, Wave, Talk, Earth, Maps, Orkut, Groups, Docs, Blogger, YouTube, Chrome... Sweet products if you ask me. I can´t even imagine how I would graduate on college without these things.
Man, I must be out of the loop, all I use is the search engine, gmail, and youtube! (and come on, that one hardly counts :D)