Google Stats

Dec 25, 2004
I was on the "Skype phone" this morning with a friend of mine in the US and while I was there, he typed something in and told me how many times Tina Arena's name is searched for in Google each month and then he even told me how many times my name has been searched for. I asked him how he was getting this info and he wouldn't tell me. Does anyone know how?

(This Skype thing is unreal! It's the first call I've ever taken on it and it was so clear, no delay. I was extremely impressed)
That sort of information isn't something that Google makes public. I'd say either your friend works for Google, or knows someone in Google, or has excellent connections. Google just isn't going to tell you.

And yes, Skype rocks.
Ok, I didn't think it would be something you would get for free.

And to answer your question Los4 on how many hits (not for Moon Childagain either) it is not even worth mentioning. But since you asked, it says that about 7500 people overall have put my name into the search engine. That's not much really is it? Unless that doesn't include my name in Japanese script... then that's a bit less sad maybe:)

Tina Arena was something really stupid. Hers was an average per month and it was in the tens of thousands. She doesn't even have anything out at the moment!

Google have a thing called ZeitGeist where you can see this kind of thing:

Zeitgeist This Week

Top 15 Gaining Queries: Week Ending September 19, 2005

1. kenny chesney
2. kate moss
3. britney spears baby
4. nintendo revolution
5. hurricane rita
6. luciana barroso
7. advent children
8. renee zellweger
9. emmys
10. survivor guatemala
11. tamiflu
12. traci j tapp
13. mega millions
14. big brother
15. harry potter and the goblet of fire

Overture's stats for your full name have it at 0.9 per day for just Japan. Consider that overture is perhaps 30% of what Google would get. Not too bad :)

How long was the 7500 spread out over?
He didn't say. He just said overall. I'm not sure if that means in the history of google, or the last year... Doesn't really make much difference!
I haven't heard of half the things in that list you put up, Moony! Just shows how out of touch with pop culture I am. Who's Kenny Chesney? Kenny Loggins' brother?

I want to use Skype, but only have one person on my list at the moment, and he's never been on at the same time as me so far.
MeKaChrOme said:
it could have been hits per week, in which case 7500 doesn't seem so bad :)

Come to think of it, he may have said it was an hourly average.

Well, you know what they say...aim high... :)
Hey maybe it's a minute by minute thing hee hee

I just checked out The Darkness at MySpace and today only, they have had their songs played 36244 times so far. I think that's over about 15 hours! Sheesh!