
Trixxi Trash said:
Terry, you say the main point is to acknowledge what he has achieved, but I think part of everyone else's main point is "Who gives a fuck?" I mean, why post about it? Hahah! Wow some DJ nobody knows has travelled overseas, better rush to my heavy metal forum and tell everybody! Bet they can't wait to hear about it!
While this is true, the other main point is, he isn't as successful as he is leading you to believe. He is having you on.
Yeah that too, he's a shit-talker who looks like Ali G, except isn't trying to be funny. The thing that struck me the most though is why you would rush to tell a heavy metal forum how much some techno DJ's uni fees are and that he has been to Europe. :lol:
I think it would be a valid topic if it were true.
If i went to TAFE with a real world famous DJ i would probally tell you about it.
He really needs to stop telling people to fuck off when he is clearly in the wrong though...
Haha oh man, if I had my time again, I would've bagged out Terry some more for this, cos it is hilarious. And his fingering his girlfriend at the movies thread. But for some reason I had him in my MSN list and he kept telling me about some bird he met on the internet who he was going to shag - if her boyfriend didn't find out! and I just was too darn nice.

I just couldn't bring myself to bag him out. :(


Best. Thread. Ever. :rock: