
Oh Terry. First you fell in love with that girl from your Tafe, now you are smitten with Nu-Tek 7. Who shall you fall in love with next from Tafe?
Goreripper said:
You mean WEAK. That's the correct word. And it must be capitalised, or it's not tr00.
down here we say "soft". As in "don't be soft!".

I once banned a guy from a club for 2 weeks because the other bouncer said I was soft for not doing it.

Well... that and the guy was a smartarse.

The point I'm trying to make is that down here you can get people to do stuff by saying "don't be soft".
actually I lied. Often I'm determined to just sit or stand around drinking and being an all round cool and good looking motherfucker, but some hot 18 year old chick will come up try to drag me on to the dance floor. But I always tell them "tinman don't dance".

However sometimes I do go and stand near them while they dance.
To be honest he looks more like he'd try and steal money from you at Parramatta than be a successfull world wide artist.

Although... does anyone else see the uncanny resemblance he bears to Prince?
serenesorrow said:
Although... does anyone else see the uncanny resemblance he bears to Prince?
hahah I was player hatin' and I said he's "the illegitimate son of Saddam Hussien and the Artist Formally Known as Prince"

Kem said:
I prefer WEAK AS PISS to soft.

For example:

That works too. My last girlfriend actually broke up with me after getting an sms from her sister's b/f saying "weak as piss"....

true story.

Of course they're all dead now.
Actually Nu_Tek 7 shows up 3 times in google

"Nu_Tek 7" shows up 0 times, if this guy was really a full time record producer and plays all over the world do you really think he would be going to TAFE in australia?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Terry, you say the main point is to acknowledge what he has achieved, but I think part of everyone else's main point is "Who gives a fuck?" I mean, why post about it? Hahah! Wow some DJ nobody knows has travelled overseas, better rush to my heavy metal forum and tell everybody! Bet they can't wait to hear about it!

That, and it also does very much sound like you are in love with him. :grin:

:lol: @ Koich's "Pretending to be gay by liking dance music still won't get you laid Terry" HAHAHAHA!

Oh and he looks like a character out of Pizza or something. But dodgier.
Terry your a fool!
When I went to NMIT I was the most successful person in my class as well, The teachers predicted to me and others I would drop out as I knew a lot already so would be bored all the time.However they also saw I could benefit by some of the classes so let me in the course. I was no where near as successful as this wanker is claiming to be so why would he be there to kill time!
Your an idiot and a looser in the true sense of the word Terry!