Google +

haha yeah, it's supposed to be Google's take on it, it does look much cleaner and you have much more control over what you want and who do you want to share stuff with than Facebook or Twitter, where both of them are the typical "LOOK AT ME IM HAVIGN A BANANA RIGHT NOWZ LOLOLOL" kind of thing everyone wants to share with everyone and no one gives af uck
From what I read it's divided into separate pages for your friends and your family for example so you don't have to worry about people from one embarrassing you in front of those from the other.
From what I read it's divided into separate pages for your friends and your family for example so you don't have to worry about people from one embarrassing you in front of those from the other.

Yeah, you group your contacts in circles. A contact can be in more than one circle. When you post a message or a picture you have to choose the circles that can view the content. So posting is a bit more complex then on Facebook, but the visibility of posts can be better controlled.
Google's next step to world domination! Isn't there anybody stopping them?
Personally I think it's frightening how Google is taking over the digital world.

I hate to say it, but I like how China has their "Great firewall", and banned Google.
Wouldn't be bad at all if some politicians would take away a bit of power from Google.
Google's next step to world domination! Isn't there anybody stopping them?
Personally I think it's frightening how Google is taking over the digital world.

I hate to say it, but I like how China has their "Great firewall", and banned Google.
Wouldn't be bad at all if some politicians would take away a bit of power from Google.

Wut? Nobody is forcing anyone to use Google. As you know, we already have Facebook and some other stuff but, as you can see here, people want to try Google+ too. Same goes for the search engine and other services. They are good at what they do, so people use them. I don't understand that "nerf Google, they are way overpowered" stuff. It's not Google getting power from a mysterious source, it's the users.
Wut? Nobody is forcing anyone to use Google. As you know, we already have Facebook and some other stuff but, as you can see here, people want to try Google+ too. Same goes for the search engine and other services. They are good at what they do, so people use them. I don't understand that "nerf Google, they are way overpowered" stuff. It's not Google getting power from a mysterious source, it's the users.

Just because it's the user base giving them power, doesn't mean they don't have power and doesn't mean they won't misuse it (not in an evil "and now i will destrroy the world" way, just in a "oh, that'll increase profits by a bit" way)
Of course John. But it's not misuse, it's using advantage. This is business. Another point of view is, it's not Google's success, it's the others failure. I'm not a Google fan by the way. :loco: