

Tonka Time

what are some really good goregrind bands, im into early carcass stuff, exhumed stuff like that and want to know some more bands in this genre
I fucking love good goregrind...

Lymphatic Phlegm - Pathogenesis Infest Phlegmsepsia
Negligent Collateral Collapse - Sick Atoms
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition - II
Bodies Lay Broken - Eximinous Execration Of Exiguous Exequies
Foetopsy - Dyspartum
Purulent Spermcanal - We Pity We Didn't Kill You All
Stickoxydal - The Perverted Position Of Interiors
Blue Holocaust - Twitch Of The Death Nerve
Catasexual Urge Motivation - The Encyclopedia Of Serial Murders
Squash Bowels - The Mass Rotting - The Mass Sickening

Pretty much a top ten of awesome goregrind.
Dead Infection
Last Days Of Humanity
Lymphatic Phlegm
Neurovisceral Exhumation
Oxidized Razor
Disgorge (mex)

have fun
That Blood Freak album rules! However, they became way too ridiculous on the second album...I didn't even listen to more than a few songs. Silly Razorback goregrind is such a huge turnoff to me.

It also hurt my enjoyment of the debut (even though it IS good) when I found out that it wasn't really recorded in 1989 haha.
Blood Freak's second album is their best, in my opinion, but it isn't goregrind.

I completely disagree with your assessment on Razorback Records. I enjoy most of their catalogue. Sure there's a few bands that are kind of mediocre (ex: Ghoul, Engorged, Splatterhouse, etc.) but you can't deny bands like Lord Gore, Frightmare, Blood Freak, Fondlecorpse, Coffins, Crypticus, etc.
I only really dislike the silly stuff (for instance, Frightmare were originally kind of OK, but quickly became pretty lame as they followed the typical RB style of thrashy grindy death with silly horror-inspired/insipid themes; and on top of that, Bringing Back The Bloodshed is an inexcusable 50 minutes long). Coffins, Crypticus, earlier Lord Gore and Fondlecorpse (quite underrated band, actually) are very good and all stylistically mature. I personally think hilarity should stay out of goregrind; as if it wasn't ridiculous enough.

And you can be sure I don't hate Razorback in totality or hold them in contempt due to my inclusion of C.U.M. in my list. They released their debut full-length on Razorback over ten years ago (the album I listed), and it is STILL unbelievably excellent. An unmatched atmosphere.

A band that is not really goregrind but I often think of in the same field as it would be Alien Crucifixion. I'm psyched for their new shit, considering I actually have an mp3 copy of their unreleased album, and it's superb (listen to the mp3s there).

Also, for the record, I consider Gruesome Stuff Relish's Teenage Giallo Grind and Blue Holocaust's Twitch Of The Death Nerve to be the pinnacle of cannibal/giallo/cult horror movie-inspired goregrind. Cheers!

EDIT: OK looks like I probably won't even check out the new Fondlecorpse:

Fondlecorpse - Blood and Popcorn
1. Twice the hate , Twice the carnage 03:11
2. Feral Mutant Attack 03:57
3. Halloween (The Night HE came home) 03:57
4. What's in the basket 03:32
5. Choppingmall 03:49

You see what I mean? So stupid!
I don't really see how Frightmare is any more immature than any other horror-themed band. I wouldn't say they're trying to be "silly" either. They basically just take horror themes and apply it to their grind/thrash/death metal sound which I don't see a problem with. Not the most original thing ever but by no means bad. They also have some pretty amazing solos.
Well, anyway I'm not a big fan. I don't like goregrind with stupid song titles, they bother me. I'm aware Gruesome Stuff Relish can be kinda silly, though. For some reason I like them better than most Razorback acts who do that whole B-movie skateboarding gore thrash weird shit. It's just an aesthetic turnoff that leads to me not even caring about the bands.

I'm just a weird bastard, don't mind me :p
Well, actually, they've recently been purging the label of a lot of that shit. Ghoul was dropped because they had that whole surf image thing on their last album.
Yeah, see what I'm talking about? Though I doubt the label dropped them for that (unless you find me a source, then I'll literally eat my hat or something equally indigestible).