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Deathgrind = heavy, fast death metal with grind influence.

Goregrind = grind with TONS of DM influence, basically almost DM, but you're retarded if you can't differentiate between Lymphatic Phlegm and Morbid Angel

formicatable: Yeah I know, SB aren't that great of a band to cite. Their newer albums are straight grindcore (minimal pitch-shifting, more punk sounding beats/d-beat stuff).
Maybe someone could post a few albums that clearly illustrate the deathgrind/goregrind difference, because you're all doing a pretty horrible job of explaining it. :lol:

Bizarre Embalming - Necrosadistic Surgery:
This is deathgrind! It's not goregrind. Reasons: it does not sound "gory" enough. Though that's kind of a silly thing to judge something in "goriness" is rather qualifiable; it usually involves pitch shifted vocals, etc. Goregrind is almost entirely independent of grind sound, and this is definitely grindy. It is also deathy. Hooray, deathgrind!

Beheaded - anything ever:
Beheaded are definitely deathgrind (technical as it may be). They sound like a really fast version of Suffocation (Suffo are widely credited with "inventing" the death/grind hybrid which doesn't utilize punk structure as Repulsion had to a degree).

Intervalle Bizzare/Malignancy split (yes, it's BIZZARE, not Bizarre):
Possibly the best tech-deathgrind split ever. Malignancy, while usually pretty gory in theme are NOT a gory sounding band; they don't sound "disgusting" or "depraved" but actually really professional and slick. Intervalle Bizzare (R.I.P.!) were a fucking kickass Czech band who used inhaled vocals to great effect as well as playing in some fucked up wacky time signatures (as is common to technical shit, of course).

Goregrind is, in general, things I mentioned; earlier Squash Bowels, Lymphatic Phlegm (these guys fucking rule; best riffs in goregrind ever, though very atypical...some tracks scream BATHORY!...not even kidding you), Blue Holocaust, S.M.E.S., Negligent Collateral Collapse (yeah they have space themes, but they don't sound like deathgrind since they're actually rather slow, and they're not "grindcore" since there's no real punk stylings), Foetopsy, Neuro-Visceral Exhumation, blah, blah, blah.