got 2 new guitars

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
went to a guitar show yesterday at a local convention center... and i spot a BC Rich Platinum Series Warlock... in WHITE! i run over, try the fucker out, whammy bar has a nice dive to it... its a floyd rose. i ask the guy selling it how much it is. i expected a $500 answer... the guy said $200!!! so of course i picked that fucker up! went to Guitar Center afterward and went in the acoustic section. saw an Ovation (one of them nice guitar with a design around the hole of the guitar (no idea what thats called), and a round black plastic shell in the back. it was listed as $160... so my dad asked some questions, now it was mistagged for $160, but it was $300... after some complaining, my dad got it to the price on the tag :D ill post pics when i get these guitars for christmas hehe on Christmas, ill have 4 1/2 guitars total
Squier Bullet
Bronze Series BC Rich Warlock (red)
Epiphone Mini-V (that thing sounds like shit, but fun to look at lol) (black, was only $40 w/ gigbag and miniamp, couldnt pass it up!)
Platinum Series BC Rich Warlock (white)
Ovation not sure what model
VERY nice , but iam not so into Warlocks , those damn things are heavy half way threw the set you play you feel like sitting down or strapping on the ''V'' :lol:
fuck yeah dude! COngrates to you on your new stuff. iTs a bitch they are makin ya wait till dec 25. but hey, glad you got them. I dont blame ya for not getting that VIDhahahahha, do i ever. hahahYour dad, he had them by the balls and they knew it hahahaha.
The guitar i always wanted and still want today is the BC RICH Warlock kk war tribe. I will try and find some pics of this mother. You will shit your paints.
Originally posted by ledmag
fuck yeah dude! COngrates to you on your new stuff. iTs a bitch they are makin ya wait till dec 25. but hey, glad you got them. I dont blame ya for not getting that VIDhahahahha, do i ever. hahahYour dad, he had them by the balls and they knew it hahahaha.

yep :D i love it when stores fuck up, theyll eventually give in, false advertising... i believe you could sue for that :) Dec 25 is better than not at all... the acoustic even has a tuner built into the top, its an electric/acoustic one w/ a bass/trebel/mid/volume thing up at the top and 2 other knobs that i dunno what they are :lol:
explorer is pretty damn heavy as well.

My lotus gets heavy after a couple hours, starts hurting my back a little. I hardly set though. IN the big practices, eventually, i ahev to set.

I have a fender montera, with an eliptical sound hole, pearl all over it, no pick gaurd, very flashy looking grain on the wood, and an oval back like your ovation, but mine is wood. Gave nearly 1000 for it in 94 or 95. The frets need replaced now.
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
yep :D i love it when stores fuck up, theyll eventually give in, false advertising... i believe you could sue for that :) Dec 25 is better than not at all... the acoustic even has a tuner built into the top, its an electric/acoustic one w/ a bass/trebel/mid/volume thing up at the top and 2 other knobs that i dunno what they are :lol:

so they are sticking the tuners in the guitars now hey? I havent looked at electric acoustics since i got mine. nOt in detail anyway.

As i said, congrates man.
tnx :D ive been wantin an acoustic for a while, and this one isnt really the color i wanted, but hey... its not the look of the guitar, its the sound... and this thing sounds awesome
Well heres a pic for those who dont know what iam talking about.

Yeah, i like the sound of ovations.
I haev often thought about getting one, just never have. The singer in on eof my old bands, he had one, i liked it a lot, didnt like the extra heavy strings he kept on it, but i did like it.

I prefer light gauge strings. I keep one acoustic strung with ghs boomers, 9s or 10s, whichever i feel lik eat the time. NA dthen i keep one strung with mediums. The lead you can pull off on those little strings, hahahha. You have to have amplification if your playing with anyone else on acoustic, if they are using bigger strings on rythem.
damn right! I still like the style of the ''V'' better but this is one amazing guitar. One day it will be mine. Oh yes it will be mine :D
ya... id love to get one of them Blue Voodoo amps or a crate, but im not complaining... why have an amp w/ all that distortion stuff in it when my pedal does it all... what i want is a PA system