post your Christmas haul here!

Pyrus said:
I got forty bucks, a George Lucas movie on DVD, and socks.

That's it.

Your friends and relatives are Jews.

lol I made a witty joke about jews being cheap har har and it's even funnier because Pyrus's family ARE jews omg the irony is killing me
-a "personal massager" from an aunt. its really naughty.
-ceramic elves
-goody bag with foods and a candle
-a ball of metallic multi-colored goo and a slippery thing

and from derick:
-a kiss double platinum record
-naughtiness :grin:
alice in chains cds
rush cds
lewis black dvd
guitar pedal

kinda of a slow year but i am getting older so its good. :)
everything else is totally irrelevant comparing to what Santa brought me.
- standard winter illness (the others coughing and spitting around you, so your organism has to click on "accept")
- standard gastro-intestinal problems (appearing when I overdo with alcohol and stressing)
- sickleave (as a natural consquence; present following the two a.mentioned )

thank you Santa :notworthy
Tee said:
everything else is totally irrelevant comparing to what Santa brought me.
- standard winter illness (the others coughing and spitting around you, so your organism has to click on "accept")
- standard gastro-intestinal problems (appearing when I overdo with alcohol and stressing)
- sickleave (as a natural consquence; present following the two a.mentioned )

thank you Santa :notworthy

Geeze, dont have to much fun there or Santa might think he spoiled you and not come back next year.
Tee said:
everything else is totally irrelevant comparing to what Santa brought me.
- standard winter illness (the others coughing and spitting around you, so your organism has to click on "accept")
- standard gastro-intestinal problems (appearing when I overdo with alcohol and stressing)
- sickleave (as a natural consquence; present following the two a.mentioned )

thank you Santa :notworthy

so, basically; you were hurling fluids out every orifice and all because you didn't meet santa by the mistletoe.