Got a Boss CE-2 Chorus. Effing amazing


Harris Snyder
Dec 5, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Hi Guys/Gals.

I dont post here much, but ive decided to start. lol. I bought a boss CE-2 today, Black label/screws, made in japan. Literally older than I am. I dunno how many of you like chorus on your clean tones, but let me tell you... I have never in my life heard a chorus effect like this.

TBH I didn't use chorus that much. But I'm working on a CD right now and chorus just fits the clean passages on some of the tracks, so I thought I'd get a good one, and saw it on craigslist. I gotta say, anyone who is considering buying one of these things - they're totally different from digital choruses (chori?). I used to own an axe-fx and i thought that had nice chorus (which it did), but I can see why people make such a fuss about the CE-2


Dry (No CE-2)
CE-2 in series
Mix of above two

I'd like to do a stereo one, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that to be honest... I don't want to just reverse phase and hard pan...
Cool man ill definitelly would like to hear it. anyway congrats. Also you should check out the tc 1210 you can still find it used. i really love mine but ive never tried a CE2

By the way sorry if this is out of topic but for those who own some nice plugins how do they do in emulating the CE2? like echoboy? Because i have been considering buying a CE2 or a nice plugin
echoboy is a plugin by soundtoyz if i am not mistaken. Anyway thanks man looking fwd to the demo!
Well that didn't end up happening - I had to do some emergency work over the weekend. Programmers are basically open heart surgeons for companies instead of people. I'll do this demo as soon as i can.
echoboy is my fav plugin. it has an amazing vibe to it for a plug in. i have hardware effects units as well and the echoboy does a great job getting damn close and in certain cases even being a better choice for some applications.

the chorus sounds awesome on the echboboy and sometimes i use it over the tc2290 or eventide.
hsnyder: dont worry about it man!

aramism: thanks for the details on the echoboy
Hey man, sounds great when mixed together! Just wondering if you can give me the details on what you're using for recording all in all. Cheers!
Hey man, sounds great when mixed together! Just wondering if you can give me the details on what you're using for recording all in all. Cheers!

No problem - it was pretty much a lazy mode setup :p

Les Paul Neck Hbkr -> INSTR in on MOTU Audio Express -> Lextac (amp sim plugin by LePou) -> LAConvolver (RedWirez Mesa V30 impulse response with Neumann U87 2 inches back infront of cap edge).

Then I played that through a hardware output, went into the CE-2, and then back to line in, and recorded the second track.

No real amps, no real dial swiveling or anything. I just dropped the bass a bit on the amp sim and left the knobs on the pedal at noon. The impulse was selected just out of the blue, I didn't A/B different ones to find the best one. So... Yeah, it could be about 10x better i'm guessing.
Yeah its one track. I'm impressed with the MOTU tbh. I've never tried any focusrite stuff, so I can't comment. Sorry. I did think carefully before going MOTU though, read lots of reviews and tried a few out...

To thicken this up even more, I should record two new tracks, pan hard left and hard right, and leave the wet chorus track panned center... is that a good idea?
Well it sounds nice for one track man! Did you have a look at the Pro 24 etc? I'm going to have to read a few more reviews and weigh up the pro's and con's first but the MOTU is definitely an option now.

I'm not sure about a centred take, never tried it may sound weird! Experiment is the only solution.

But I would say, double track and pan them L and R... duplicate them and put them both through the wet chorus then do a 50/50 or a 60/40% on the volume with 2 tracks hard left and 2 tracks hard right. Do you understand?
good idea. I shall try this.

TBH I didn't hear many good things about focusrite in general, I decided to steer clear. But really, this is like third hand experience - I've never even tried one out. If you go MOTU, consider the UltraLite instead of the Audio Express.. I almost wish I'd spent the extra 120 or whatever - its really not that much more money for a lot more interface. Oh well, supposedly they're expandable :D