Got a job in Atlanta \m/


Apr 24, 2006
Atlanta, GA
So I've finally landed the fabled job-after-college, and it just happens to be right off I-85 in Norcross. I'm pretty sure I'll be relocating shortly after starting, as dealing with the traffic on 316 is unpleasant day-in and day-out; therefore, I can fully participate in all things metal in the Atlanta area :rock: Can't wait to give my full support to the scene!

I start October 1st :goggly:
So I've finally landed the fabled job-after-college, and it just happens to be right off I-85 in Norcross. I'm pretty sure I'll be relocating shortly after starting, as dealing with the traffic on 316 is unpleasant day-in and day-out; therefore, I can fully participate in all things metal in the Atlanta area :rock: Can't wait to give my full support to the scene!

I start October 1st :goggly:

Were you able to get your 3rd, 4th, and 5th days OFF of work? :rock:
what job?

I'll be a software developer at USAN, dealing with telephony and related networking systems. Basically, I'll be programming those ever-pleasant automated voice systems you use when you call the bank for your account balance :p .... *dodges a chair*

Were you able to get your 3rd, 4th, and 5th days OFF of work?

I told them ahead of time that I'll need the 5th and 6th off since I've had these tickets for the better part of a year now, haha. If not, I'll plead for half-days on those! As for Thursday, I'll see if I can wing it :)

Edit: Ummm, scratch that - I dont have a ticket for the Showcase; but I might can swing Wednesday night
Cool! Yeah, you'll want to relocate, since with the construction, GA 316 is a stone cold bitch when it comes to the inbound commute. Haven't used it in 18 months, except after 9pm when it's okay. If you HAVE to commute from Athens, you're better off heading up to I-85. Not a great solution, but a better one.

I'd offer to rent out one of the upstairs bedrooms here (Auburn), but you can surely find somewhere closer and better if you're pulling in programmer pay. :)
I'll be a software developer at USAN, dealing with telephony and related networking systems. Basically, I'll be programming those ever-pleasant automated voice systems you use when you call the bank for your account balance :p .... *dodges a chair*

Congrats, man...I have about a year and a half left in my CSIS does the job market seem to you? Could you have taken a position somewhere else in the metro area? I'll be in deep scheiß if I can't find a conveniently located workplace. Sitting in Atlanta traffic day in and day out turns you into an angry, irritable person. Well, it does that to me anyway. I'm hoping I can find something within about 20 minutes or so from the Sandy Springs area when that time comes...
Congrats, man...I have about a year and a half left in my CSIS does the job market seem to you? Could you have taken a position somewhere else in the metro area? I'll be in deep scheiß if I can't find a conveniently located workplace. Sitting in Atlanta traffic day in and day out turns you into an angry, irritable person. Well, it does that to me anyway. I'm hoping I can find something within about 20 minutes or so from the Sandy Springs area when that time comes...

The market's pretty good for people who have experience in the field, by which I mean 2+ years. Atlanta was littered with openings last I checked, but very few were entry-level. As for being able to take a position elsewhere in the metro area, I was in contact with a few such companies, one being downtown ... ... however, as usual, I got turned down :Smug:

For you, if you really have a year and a half left in school, get an internship!! I've kicked myself in the ass so many times for not doing this. You'll have field experience so you can get access to more than just entry-level. Not to mention that having that kind of experience on your resume will have recruiters drooling over you, so you probably wouldn't even have to do much searching :lol:
The market's pretty good for people who have experience in the field, by which I mean 2+ years. Atlanta was littered with openings last I checked, but very few were entry-level. As for being able to take a position elsewhere in the metro area, I was in contact with a few such companies, one being downtown ... ... however, as usual, I got turned down :Smug:

For you, if you really have a year and a half left in school, get an internship!! I've kicked myself in the ass so many times for not doing this. You'll have field experience so you can get access to more than just entry-level. Not to mention that having that kind of experience on your resume will have recruiters drooling over you, so you probably wouldn't even have to do much searching :lol:

Oh yeah, the reason I have a year and a half left by my estimates is that I intend to do an internship next year. You definitely have to do that, simply because so many other people do that it has become a necessity to be at all competitive out of school. I really don't want to work downtown or anywhere near Gwinnett County either. My goal is to be going AGAINST the traffic, wherever I end up...or somewhere close enough that it doesn't matter. Somehow I think my chances will be slim...:cry: