totalled my car and got a new job

I thought car was a euphemism for vagina, and the thread was going to be about how Will wrecked it with a celery stalk and 2 unripe bananas.

Disappointed. As. Hell.
I wonder how you answered any of the questions during the interview. I would be a complete mess after a car accident!

I'm glad you're ok! A close friend of mine was also in an accident on the same day as you.
Blame it on the eclipse? :)
yeah, i dunno, after the initial sobbing mess i was at the scene of the accident, i managed to pull off a few hrs of work and the interview more or less fine. those questions are so ridiculous, though. "tell me about a time when you had to assist a customer in a difficult situation" - christ, as long as you don't say "i'd tell the customer to stop being so fucking difficult and come back later" you're fine. i've only had two job interviews (walmart and home depot) but the only way i passed the interviews was by saying the exact opposite of what i wanted to say.