Got a job interview next wednesday

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
...and I'm stressed as fuck :ill:

For the first time in my life its for a job I REALLY want... The job is Assistant in a post-production studio, mainly doing maintenance. For someone working his ass off in a grocery store at minimal wage for the last few months, this job is the holy grail.

So...does anyone would have any tips for the interview? I KNOW that I have all the qualifications, it's just a matter of how to convince the interviewers that I have them... And I have the habit of forgetting everything I want to say when I'm stressed :erk:

Just make sure you know the answers to the typical interview questions (why you want to work for them, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, etc), know who they are. etc.

You can usually get by really well by being yourself and not sucking up. Don't try to remember 20 points you want to bring up but like 2-3 major arguments to emphasize throughout the interview. I've had 4-5 interviews in the past 2 weeks for a summer internship and it's been going pretty well with that tactic.

Bonne chance man =)