Job at Guitar Center

Actually this is really simple, I got a job at Guitar center without putting in an application.

All I did was ask to talk to the manager, then I told him that I was going to start working there and that I didn't care
about all the applications on his desk. After 20 minutes of talking to him I started training the next day.

Its simple, all you gotta do is be confident as hell and talk like you are going to sell a shit load of equipment. But I had
a background in Car sales AND computer sales/recording so i was a prefect match for Pro audio department. If you dont
have much experience it might be harder for you to get hired.

Oh, i quit on the 2nd day once i found out the Commission and hourly wages i would be getting. I started laughing at the
manager and begged pardon for waiting their time. You have to put up with ALOT of shit simple because there are hundereds
of people to replace you in a moments notice.
How "into" audio are you? Meaning, how far along are you? Have you recorded bands before? I LOVE recording. As long as it's my own shit, and I don't have to do it every day, haha. I used to want to be an AE more than anything until for one, I realized it can be just as competitive and rocky as making a living being in a band, and two, recording shitty bands fucking SUCKS elephant cock. And believe me, you will have to record an assload of shitty bands before you get a decent one. Then probably another assload of shit bands before the next decent one. Shitty as in you'll have to sit there and pollish turds for hours on end just to keep things sounding passable, and sometimes you'll have to muster all your strength to keep from laughing your ass off because a singer will belt out some sound that sounds like a constipated midget dying on the toilet while his bandmates congratulate him for nailing the part. There is a reason a lot of really good AE's seem like assholes. They had to put up with unimaginable shit to get where they are, and most likely they still have to put up with it once in a while. For the record I definitely don't consider myself one. (A good AE, that is. I can have my asshole moments, haha)

One thing you have going for you though is that you found this forum early on. Most of the basic stuff I learned was from mistakes, haha. I'm at the point now where I'm convinced that trying to do audio professionally would kill my love for it. I'm not saying it can't be rewarding, but don't put all your eggs in one basket. As anyone here will tell you, AE isn't something you can go to school for, get a degree in, and immediately land a sweet job. It takes years of practice, and LOADS of money.

During your warm up phase you may want to land a sweet job that will allow you to buy sweet toys and acoustic treatment, etc. Guitar Center might get you some discounts, but it would be easier to just become really good friends with someone who already works there and chances are if they're cool they'll get you shit at cost anyway. :kickass:

Hopefully I didn't come across like I know a bunch of stuff. I'm just speaking from my limited experience from the days when I was more active recording bands and what not. I still suck!
Go ANYWHERE but GC. I worked there for 8 months and it lost its cool value after day 3. It becomes a all consuming black hole that sucks any desire to touch an instrument and will to live right out of your body. First off, they pay minimum wage, yea you get commission but before you see a dollar of that you need to make enough to cover what you are being paid hourly, what they call "fading" if you dont fade for 3 months in a row you are fired (at least at my store) so they pay is absolutely no insentive to work there. The people are fucking horrible, every now and then you get a cool person through the door and you actually learn something from them but 672 times out of 10 its some kid who is just gonna ask you for a cable so he can plug into a crate 15w combo and play the most horribly out of tune version of Nothing Else Matters/Seven Nation Army/ Stairway/ Come as You Are that you have ever heard for 7 hours straight. Sorry about the rant but I just would like to spare you from making the same mistake I made when I thought working there would be a good idea. Good Luck man
Go ANYWHERE but GC. I worked there for 8 months and it lost its cool value after day 3. It becomes a all consuming black hole that sucks any desire to touch an instrument and will to live right out of your body. First off, they pay minimum wage, yea you get commission but before you see a dollar of that you need to make enough to cover what you are being paid hourly, what they call "fading" if you dont fade for 3 months in a row you are fired (at least at my store) so they pay is absolutely no insentive to work there. The people are fucking horrible, every now and then you get a cool person through the door and you actually learn something from them but 672 times out of 10 its some kid who is just gonna ask you for a cable so he can plug into a crate 15w combo and play the most horribly out of tune version of Nothing Else Matters/Seven Nation Army/ Stairway/ Come as You Are that you have ever heard for 7 hours straight. Sorry about the rant but I just would like to spare you from making the same mistake I made when I thought working there would be a good idea. Good Luck man

This is truth.

To the OP, you should have stayed at the web design firm. You stated that you were on the Internet a lot, you would learn 1000x more on this forum than you would at Guitar Center dealing with typical scum who goto that place.

To best honest, if you need a summer job, work at Starbucks. Good pay, benefits and I believe even healthcare for part-time employees. Starbucks also hires from within, so you can even potentially have a future. You are 19, make a good choice.


Don't work retail dude. I've been there, it'll literally make you hate AUDIO, GUITAR AND YOURSELF. You'd have better luck sticking your hog into a blender.

Just find some other place to work if you want to pursue audio. Stay away from GC.
Hm, I get paid about $13.50/hr @ GC. Been there almost 5 years this Feb. The sick/vacation is decent (earn about 16 hr per month) and discounts on gear is killer. The connections you make with vendors can be very valuable by themselves, and can last well after you have a different job. I guess it just comes down to what you want in a job, and how the staff of your local store is.
I just gotta say that I fucking hate GC , I've had to go in there a few times for random shit and the people always try to sell you a guitar as soon as you walk through. Like , seriously get the fuck away from me ! I hate people like that. I would hate myself if my job consisted of bothering the shit out of people all day.