Got a JVM

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Figured this was good timing considering the Megadeth thread...I came across an offer I couldn't refuse on a JVM head on Craigslist. :headbang:


Really digging it so far!
Here's a little clip I recorded with it today.
What the hell, a JVM on craigslist and I miss it? Damn you! :p

Sounds great! Very similar to the Windsor I jammed with today

What did you think of the Windsor? I was thinking about getting one, but I noticed it sounds a little sharp.
What did you think of the Windsor? I was thinking about getting one, but I noticed it sounds a little sharp.

For the money I think that it can't be beaten. Brand new, its half the price of a used 5150, and sounds just as good. It's basically a Marshall clone, though, so its a different type of sound. It sounds really good, but you need to get it to a decent volume and boost it.
I'd personally add some more low to it, the palm mutes sound a little weak. but other than that it sounds pretty damn good :)
Great sound Matt! I'm considering one of the two channel JVMs. I had the one that you have previously and really enjoyed it when I had it.

Which cab was this through? Preamps? Mic?


How is it for more vintage rock tones compared to older Marshalls? And how about clean tones?
How is it for more vintage rock tones compared to older Marshalls? And how about clean tones?

With the different channel modi you can easily get from quite nice cleans, to plexi country, to 800 goodness, skipping the crap, DSL rock tones and modern high gain with tasty Marshall taste.

Those JVMs just rule supreme if you're having a <3 for Marshall tones, the good ones ofc.
For the money I think that it can't be beaten. Brand new, its half the price of a used 5150, and sounds just as good. It's basically a Marshall clone, though, so its a different type of sound. It sounds really good, but you need to get it to a decent volume and boost it.

I played through a Windsor head the other day and really liked it, but not sure I want to get another head at this point. Has anyone played through the Windsor Studio amp? I was thinking about getting one, but they did not have one to play through. Obviously, I'm not looking at it as a gigging amp, just a recording one. Anyone play one and have any thoughts on it for that usage?