Alexi using a JVM as a Practice Amp??

You are the dickshit here. If you seriously now consider the JVM as an amp for you JUST because Alexi happens to use one as a practice amp: I hope your dick falls of so you wont have kids. We dont need more people like you

If no one bought the gear that famous musicians sponsored, then the businesses (in this case, Marshall) who sponsor those famous musicians (Alexi Laiho) would be weakened. In effect, this would give the musicians less opportunity for income, hence forcing them to sell out on their forthcoming albums to gain more income.

So, according to my carefully thought-out calculations, ultimatemetal/CoBForum and its hate for "fanboys" has contributed to Bodom's progression toward more "mainstream-sounding" metal in recent albums.

He should get sponsored by Lee Jackson. I'm sure he'd build amps for the whole band for free considering that would increase his sales by %1000. Plus Lee makes good shit.