"The Beard"
Killer buy dude those jvm's are probley my fav marshall amp besides an older jcm800. you can get some pretty brutal guitar tones out of that monster.
sounds awesome
guess its the IN amp around here now, got to try one out!
Thanks, guys.
Yeah, boosted with a Maxon 820. I should also note that I recorded that with a cheap LTD practice guitar with passive pickups that I got a couple of years ago, and have literally never changed the strings on.
That was into a Mesa Traditional 4x12, Vintage 30s, SM57, API mic pre.
Thanks for the info.
I've been wanting to try out the Maxon 820.
dude just buy one i have 4 overdrives and it is the best one by far. the second best one i have used is my ibanez ts808
I disagree, I think this is the essence of Marshall sound - characteristic snarling mids and letting the bass guitar do the bottom end.
This clip has a total thrash till death sound![]()