Thought I'd share
WOW! is all I can say.
I honestly wasn't expecting these to sound so good! I got them in a trade for a guitar and was expecting to keep them a week and then sell them, because I was kind iffy on the color, and it's not like I'm the greatest drummer out there. I don't really need a custom C&C maple drum set.
Well, I think I've been won over.
Only played it for about an hour today and it already puts my PDP CX to shame. Literally no comparison - The kick is deeper and punchier, the floor tom is monstrous and the rack toms have insane clarity. Not to mention the snare, tons of snap, but very full (I was using a Mapex Black Panther maple/cherry before).
The color definitely isn't as cool as my PDPs, but I think it'll grow on me. The only problem I have with the set is that, since all the sizes are bigger than my PDP (new ones are 10, 13 & 16" toms, 24" kick & 13" snare - PDPs were 10, 12 & 14" toms, 22" kick and 13" snare), I'm having difficulty finding space to put all the drums. Usually I use my PDP in a 4 piece configuration, without the 10" tom, but I'd really like to use the 13" on this one, since it sounds so beastly (I like the 10" a little better where the 12" PDP was)... I just have no idea where I'm going to mount it - Perhaps as a floor tom, but I'm not sure how the ergonomics on that will work. Oh well, I'll figure something out
Hoping to get some clips/video today!

WOW! is all I can say.
I honestly wasn't expecting these to sound so good! I got them in a trade for a guitar and was expecting to keep them a week and then sell them, because I was kind iffy on the color, and it's not like I'm the greatest drummer out there. I don't really need a custom C&C maple drum set.
Well, I think I've been won over.
Only played it for about an hour today and it already puts my PDP CX to shame. Literally no comparison - The kick is deeper and punchier, the floor tom is monstrous and the rack toms have insane clarity. Not to mention the snare, tons of snap, but very full (I was using a Mapex Black Panther maple/cherry before).
The color definitely isn't as cool as my PDPs, but I think it'll grow on me. The only problem I have with the set is that, since all the sizes are bigger than my PDP (new ones are 10, 13 & 16" toms, 24" kick & 13" snare - PDPs were 10, 12 & 14" toms, 22" kick and 13" snare), I'm having difficulty finding space to put all the drums. Usually I use my PDP in a 4 piece configuration, without the 10" tom, but I'd really like to use the 13" on this one, since it sounds so beastly (I like the 10" a little better where the 12" PDP was)... I just have no idea where I'm going to mount it - Perhaps as a floor tom, but I'm not sure how the ergonomics on that will work. Oh well, I'll figure something out

Hoping to get some clips/video today!