Got a New Set!


May 22, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Thought I'd share :D





WOW! is all I can say.

I honestly wasn't expecting these to sound so good! I got them in a trade for a guitar and was expecting to keep them a week and then sell them, because I was kind iffy on the color, and it's not like I'm the greatest drummer out there. I don't really need a custom C&C maple drum set.

Well, I think I've been won over.

Only played it for about an hour today and it already puts my PDP CX to shame. Literally no comparison - The kick is deeper and punchier, the floor tom is monstrous and the rack toms have insane clarity. Not to mention the snare, tons of snap, but very full (I was using a Mapex Black Panther maple/cherry before).

The color definitely isn't as cool as my PDPs, but I think it'll grow on me. The only problem I have with the set is that, since all the sizes are bigger than my PDP (new ones are 10, 13 & 16" toms, 24" kick & 13" snare - PDPs were 10, 12 & 14" toms, 22" kick and 13" snare), I'm having difficulty finding space to put all the drums. Usually I use my PDP in a 4 piece configuration, without the 10" tom, but I'd really like to use the 13" on this one, since it sounds so beastly (I like the 10" a little better where the 12" PDP was)... I just have no idea where I'm going to mount it - Perhaps as a floor tom, but I'm not sure how the ergonomics on that will work. Oh well, I'll figure something out :(

Hoping to get some clips/video today!
awesome, green is not my fav color but this set definitly doesnt look that bad ;)
congrats and lots of fun with this awesome drumset
Maybe the colour is not what you like best, but sound is everything! And on recordings nobody can see the colours of your gear ;-)
really nice!

if you're thinking about keeping them for yourself, you could consider a rewrap to make them look awesome. not sure if it's just the pic, but it looks like the bass drum has some bubbling on its wrap as well?

the downside is, it could potentially lower the selling price of the set if you'll ever want to get rid of it. depends on the set. i'm not personally familiar with C&C. don't know if you'd be willing to put the money and effort to something like that but it's just an idea if you don't like how they look
awesome, green is not my fav color but this set definitly doesnt look that bad ;)
congrats and lots of fun with this awesome drumset


Green IS my favorite color, but not sparkly green. It's definitely growing on me though, the more I look at it, the more I think the color looks pretty badass. Just for reference though, this is my old drum set:



Maybe the colour is not what you like best, but sound is everything! And on recordings nobody can see the colours of your gear ;-)
If I were only using it for recording, that'd be one thing, but I also play drums in a band. Good thing it's an indie band... these should work well in it :loco:

Nice to see some real drums on the forum!

Was gonna go back to a Tama Starclassic set, but the one I wanted got sold while I was on vacation. Major bummer, cause it was all the sizes I wanted... and only $400 :eek:

This is on my local Craigslist right now. No idea how they sound, but they sure do look badass!


really nice!

if you're thinking about keeping them for yourself, you could consider a rewrap to make them look awesome. not sure if it's just the pic, but it looks like the bass drum has some bubbling on its wrap as well?

the downside is, it could potentially lower the selling price of the set if you'll ever want to get rid of it. depends on the set. i'm not personally familiar with C&C. don't know if you'd be willing to put the money and effort to something like that but it's just an idea if you don't like how they look
Yes, the wrap was bubbling a bit. I had to drive a half hour to the guy to get the drums and then back with them in the bed of a black truck; the 105 degree, 50% humidity of Arizona yesterday must've released some of the adhesive. Now that it's back inside and has settled, it looks fine.

Refinishing it with a different wrap is a cool idea, I was thinking that myself, but I think it would lower the value of the set, and I'm notorious for keeping things for a few weeks and then selling them to buy something else :guh: The guitar was made custom to be similar to John Bonham's favorite recording set, so changing the color would kill the mojo I think.
Thought I'd share :D





WOW! is all I can say.

I honestly wasn't expecting these to sound so good! I got them in a trade for a guitar and was expecting to keep them a week and then sell them, because I was kind iffy on the color, and it's not like I'm the greatest drummer out there. I don't really need a custom C&C maple drum set.

Well, I think I've been won over.

Only played it for about an hour today and it already puts my PDP CX to shame. Literally no comparison - The kick is deeper and punchier, the floor tom is monstrous and the rack toms have insane clarity. Not to mention the snare, tons of snap, but very full (I was using a Mapex Black Panther maple/cherry before).

The color definitely isn't as cool as my PDPs, but I think it'll grow on me. The only problem I have with the set is that, since all the sizes are bigger than my PDP (new ones are 10, 13 & 16" toms, 24" kick & 13" snare - PDPs were 10, 12 & 14" toms, 22" kick and 13" snare), I'm having difficulty finding space to put all the drums. Usually I use my PDP in a 4 piece configuration, without the 10" tom, but I'd really like to use the 13" on this one, since it sounds so beastly (I like the 10" a little better where the 12" PDP was)... I just have no idea where I'm going to mount it - Perhaps as a floor tom, but I'm not sure how the ergonomics on that will work. Oh well, I'll figure something out :(

Hoping to get some clips/video today!

I'm pretty sure I recorded this EXACT kit. It was incredible, as C+C kits usually are. Congrats man!
That looks fucking sick. I love the color. I'd personally run 13" as a rack and 16" as a floor and ditch the 10", or go with the rack + 2 floor idea. Not a fan of 2 rack toms these days.
I'm pretty sure I recorded this EXACT kit. It was incredible, as C+C kits usually are. Congrats man!

Probably did!

I'm not sure what band the guy I got it from is in, though - But since we're both in AZ, it's quite likely. I doubt he'd have this nice of a kit without playing with someone, but... you never know :P

Gonna try and get Kyle from A Distant Calm (well... formerly of A Distant Calm) over to tune them for me... since apparently I suck at it :(

That looks fucking sick. I love the color. I'd personally run 13" as a rack and 16" as a floor and ditch the 10", or go with the rack + 2 floor idea. Not a fan of 2 rack toms these days.

Yeah, I'm gonna spend some time moving shit around on it tomorrow, see how I like it. The 10" sounds pretty epic right now as the rack tom, but the 16" is way too low in comparison to not have something in between, I think.
If that was my kit, I would NEVER change that wrap - I love it. Absolutely love it. I am so tired of seeing the same flat black kits. Give me a sparkle/glass wrap, or a sweet natural stain, any day of the week.

Re-wrapping can be a PITA as well, when you factor in removing the current wrap without splintering the wood, and getting the new wrap on properly. I re-wrapped a set of early 60's Ludwigs (they had already been re-wrapped once so 2 out of the 3 toms no longer had their badges, ruining any collectibility) and it was about 10x harder than I thought it was going to be - AND I f'd up so the wrap seam on the rack tom isn't underneath any lugs for some extra hold.

I'm glad you like your 13" rack, for me, I've always had trouble tuning them. You can get them sounding a lot closer to a 16" floor than a 12", but personally if I'm going with 2 toms, I like a little more separation between them. My gigging kit is 12"/16" and I can mess with the 12" and find more sweet spots than I can with the 13" that came with it.
Yeah I've never been a fan of 12/13/16" kits, which is why I was happy when I saw this one had a 10", though I would've preferred the 12" instead of the 13", but it's alright. The 10 can actually be tuned surprisingly close to where my 12" was on my old set. I dig it :P

Only issue I'm having right now is that the 16" floor tom is pretty boomy. Sounds HUGE, but it resonates so much that the note definition from it is kinda weak if you play a lot of sequential hits on it. I'm sure it can be fixed with some tweaking though. I did tune up the snare yesterday, I guess I don't suck at tuning as much as I think, cause that thing sounds fucking FANTASTIC! I had tuned up my Mapex Black Panther the other day and was surprised how great it sounds cranked, so I wanted to try it on the C&C, since they're the same size, and the C&C has much more body. Not quite as much pop (could also be attributed to them both having different heads), but it's much fuller. I was having issues with the Trick throw-off on it, the snares wouldn't go tight enough and were just washing around, but I think I finally figured it out.

Overall, REALLY digging this kit. I honestly wanted to hate it, so I could sell it and make some money to purchase upgrades for my studio stuff, but I think I might just have to keep her around! :P