Got any quirks?

I used to have to count every word (or syllable) I heard while watching TV. Well, not counting really but I'd keep track to see if things (a scene, sentence, etc) stopped on an even number of words. I'd keep track by flexing a muscle, or moving my thumb between buttons on a remote control, or raise and lower a finger or toes or something. And I'd have to continue doing this until it ended on an even number. I still find myself doing it sometimes and it drives me crazy.

Oh, and I HATE drying off only one wet hand. It feels so wrong, so I'll often wet the other before dying them.

And I hate styrofoam. The feel of it on my teeth, the sound it makes, so many things about it just make me cringe.
You hear these stories all the time. "Local kid who did well in school and was loved by all, commits act of horror."


And I hate styrofoam. The feel of it on my teeth, the sound it makes, so many things about it just make me cringe.


When I'm walking around, I'm usually in a deep train of thought. I usually am debating points, and a lot of the times I'll make hand jesters to compliment the debate in my head.

I do that too, but without the hand amusing little hand puppet jesters. No gestures either. I also often make up stories in my head. Intricate ones.

What else, I used to have to count stuff and do everything evenly. (left/right, up/down, even numbers).

I hate touching public surfaces with my bare hands.

I twitch with my foot, sometimes I can shake a whole house/floor/room with it.

I can't listen to music without tapping my feet to the drums. I've gotten pretty good at getting this one right.

The sound of somebody cutting their toenails or fingernails is like fingernails on a chalkboard and a punch to the gut. I get simultaneously angry and the urge to vomit.
I subconsciously pinch my ciggs out and put the buts in my pockets even when I am home, because that's what we have to do around here.

I put my boogers in my pants pockets, only when I'm inside and don't have a napkin nearby :erk: (this doesn't happen often)
Hahaha, I have the energy thing too. I usually just make lots of random noises and yell a lot/say stuff in weird voices mocking things. Sometimes when someone says something I'll automatically mock them inside my head, and if I'm not careful, I'll say it out loud without even thinking about it and have to apologize.

I've been 'mocking' people like crazy since I moved here. I'll hear the English accent, and I'll instantly mock it out loud; on my notes, I have loads of English spellings of words, trying to figure out their accent.
I think almost everyone on this forum has to have some form of OCD or we wouldn't be here discussing obscure music.

- I always move my fingers. I'm a drummer. I even chomp my teeth to drum beats.
- Gotta have complete silence and darkness when watching movies. Any interference and I must pause the movie until the noise or talking stops.
- Have to wipe my ass after showering because I feel it's the best way to get loose poo scraps off and I feel horribly dirty if I don't

I'll think of more.
When I open a book, I need to smell it. (the smell of paper and press - i dont know why- i like it)

I like to play with paper, folding it, scratching it, you name it,

I always sing out loud in my car

I eat Pizza with a fork and knife
I think everyone is fucked up in some way or another, if not then you must be a really fucking boring person. Thats my opinion anyway.

edit: and knife/fork pizza is a very euro type thing (they almost all do it), so that would be my guess as to where she got it from.
Hahaha, I have the energy thing too. I usually just make lots of random noises and yell a lot/say stuff in weird voices mocking things. Sometimes when someone says something I'll automatically mock them inside my head, and if I'm not careful, I'll say it out loud without even thinking about it and have to apologize.

Oh man, I do that too! I do a really high pitched screech and kind of shake really violently. I know it's gotta be tourretes. :lol:
I have to always stretch my toes, kinda hard to explain... I move big toe up and the rest down and i cant have my toes pressed against by shoes.

:kickass: i do the same damn thing. sometimes i get some sort of foot claustrophobia or something that causes me to do that.
I think everyone is fucked up in some way or another, if not then you must be a really fucking boring person. Thats my opinion anyway.

edit: and knife/fork pizza is a very euro type thing (they almost all do it), so that would be my guess as to where she got it from.

nope. shes just a jew.:lol:
I've been 'mocking' people like crazy since I moved here. I'll hear the English accent, and I'll instantly mock it out loud; on my notes, I have loads of English spellings of words, trying to figure out their accent.

Hahaha, does anyone ever say anything to you?

"Damn Americans..."

I eat Pizza with a fork and knife

I saw my brother eating popcorn and potato chips with a spoon one time, and I made fun of him the rest of the day. Eventually I started doing it and would hide to where he couldn't see me and make fun of me for being a hypocrite. :lol: