Got any quirks?

Does anybody know people that make a soft grunt sound or gulp ever 10-30 seconds? This fucking stupid Asian in one of my lectures does it, and I have to sit as far away from him as possible; it fills me with rage when it's repeated at an irregular beat. I remember looking at him the first time, like what the fuck is wrong yellow?
Does anybody know people that make a soft grunt sound or gulp ever 10-30 seconds? This fucking stupid Asian in one of my lectures does it, and I have to sit as far away from him as possible; it fills me with rage when it's repeated at an irregular beat. I remember looking at him the first time, like what the fuck is wrong yellow?

Ugh, I had to sit next to a mexican guy on a Greyhound bus who did this. Two whole days! On top of that he kept hittin' on me :erk:
Yep. ON one hand I don't see what the big deal is, but I accept that people find it gross and am trying to fix it.

Well, the big deal is it's bacteria and it's disgusting. And I thought humans were made to be disgusted by it to KEEP us from eating the bacteria and shit that gets trapped in there. That's what the nose hair and silia and slime do----Trap the bacteria and dust you breath in to keep it from getting all the way in us! You're negating the purpose of all that by eating the shit!

Ew, I really think that's one of the grossest things, sorry. :erk:
I'm also the same way about my toothbrush, the water has to be near boiling (I actually boil my toothbrush once every week or two.) I suppose my only other quirk is my socially crippling fear of smelling bad. I have to at all times know that both my breath and my overall odor are no less than wonderful. Otherwise I can't leave the house. I guess thats just being hygienic but I really take it to another level. Also, I sit funny in car seats so my shirts won't wrinkle.
Oh man, this is a funny thread. I used to have all kinds of ticks/habits when I was younger. The ones that have stuck:

- setting my alarm, checking and re-checking to make sure it's set correctly, over and over again (though it has never failed)
- same goes for checking to make sure I locked the door to my apartment, my car (though I have never left them unlocked) etc...
- rising thoroughly in the shower. gotta make sure ALL that soap gets rinsed off!!!
- compulsively checking my e-mail
- never taking the time to simply focus on relaxing while I eat, I always have to be doing something (usually on the computer)

+ I will always FIRST set my alarm at least an hour before I actually have to wake up, so I can wake up, say "Fuck you!" to the alarm and go back to sleep for an hour. It also helps to warn me that morning is coming.

How's this...I have ALWAYS kept my keys in my front right pocket and my wallet in my back right pocket of my pants. If ever I reach down and don't feel the presence of either one, even just for a second when I have been mistaken, my stomach drops and I immediately panic that I have lost them.

I'm sure there's more...
I just remembered that I always touch the hot plates while cooking. I like to see how long I can keep my fingers on them; I kind of like the feeling of my fingertips burnt :erk:
- setting my alarm, checking and re-checking to make sure it's set correctly, over and over again (though it has never failed)

I do that too, and sometimes I'll be almost asleep then bolt the fuck up positive I forgot to set my alarm, see that its set, but be so paranoid that I can't sleep for another hour or so. :(

We are truly fascinating specimens of the human race.

As I said, if we aren't all fucked up, we're fucking boring. Suck it up sweetheart, we're freaks of nature and thats what sets us apart from the mobs of pop fans listening to pre-recorded, 1 use only DRM, made by the RIAA canned music. Then you'd be of the time that your pollyp-garden/mushroom farm is a waste of space if its not filled with dicks (same for your mouth, ass and hands).
- I get up earlier than I should in the mornings as well, because I can't start the day without breakfast and internet-coffee time

- David: me too regarling the wallet :lol: I don't keep it in my pocket, but if I open my purse to get lip gloss/ cellphone out, I HAVE to check for my wallet everytime.

- I'm easily disgusted by things regarding food... not "gore" talks over the table, but more things like: if I see the cook scratches his head and then touches my food- I will NOT eat it, or, if I see the waiter/waitress with cold sores/ herpes - I will not touch the food... (happened to me before... several times) I am extremely clean when it comes to food, and I have to have everything in my kitchen super clean and disinfected daily...
- I'm easily disgusted by things regarding food... not "gore" talks over the table, but more things like: if I see the cook scratches his head and then touches my food- I will NOT eat it, or, if I see the waiter/waitress with cold sores/ herpes - I will not touch the food... (happened to me before... several times) I am extremely clean when it comes to food, and I have to have everything in my kitchen super clean and disinfected daily...

I just dropped a hardboiled egg in grime, rinsed it off, and ate it. :goggly: