Got back into playing guitar


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
Havent really played since my son was born last year byt ive gotten back into vashing it out on my Orange Dark Terror. Ive got Troy Stetinas speed mechanics, I wanna finish that book and nail it then move onto the Paul Gilbert book that ive got.

The gear ive got is:

1988 Charvel Model Six - Burgundy Mist finish with a EMG 81 and EMG SA in it

1995 USA Jackson RR1 (Randy Rhoads) came stock with Bill Lawrence 500XL humbuckers.


Orange Dark Terror

EVH 5150 LBX


Hughes & Kettner 112 model TM112 comes with a V30 speaker

I wanna sell the 5150 LBX, for a lunchbox amp it is LOUD, the volume pot has a horrible volume taper, even on 0 it has sound and its either whisper quiet or 1mm up Loud which is no good for the bubba.

Im gonna flip it and get the EVH 5150 50w head, apparently it works really well for bedroom noise but also has a headphone jack on the back which might sound crappy but is better than playing it at a level that an Ant couldnt even hear.

Was hoping this stage 4 business would mean i get time to spend at home, with my 10 month old son,get right back into practicing guitar,do some gardening but my work is exempt dammit -_-
Haha u crazy son of a gun, i bet you sing too!

Ive been playing for almost 20 years now but i need to get myself to a higher level and boo my work is staying open i'll be doing 5:30am-12:30 everyday so might get some practice in.