Got my 3rd Nevermore album!


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Okay this isn't really new since i got PoE last month, but i've listened to it for like the 12th time, and you really start to understand how brilliant these guys are!! I mean, they became my fav when i bought my first which was DHIADW and i knew they were Gods, but man after my 3rd Album, ya go nuts!! :rock:
Yeah,I know,PoE is awesome.I got that cd last weekend and I am totally amazed by it.That hidden track thing at the end of the cd,where Warrell hisses the lyrics of "PoE",is just freaky...especially if you're listening to it for the first time at 12:30 at night:eek: What is the "Tiananmen Man"about?
Tiananmen Man? Are you serious? Here ya go.

"On June 4, 1989, the Chinese government massacred thousands of peaceful protesters at Tiananmen Square, Beijing. This event shocked the world. An unknown number of people were killed, most likely around seven thousand. The protesters, mostly university students, were protesting corruption in the Chinese government and asking for democracy. The June 4, 1989 massacre of thousands of students peacefully protesting for democracy in Tiananmen Square made the world realize that the Chinese government would stop at nothing to stay in power and prevent sweeping democratic reforms from occurring."

For more information of the Tiananmen Square massacre contact your school library.
Thank you,FrostGiant.I guessed that the song was about some type of protest from the lyrics,that all is obvious.But I'm not much for world history or politics,plus I haven't had any classes in school going over those kinds of events...I'll try to find out more about it.
Not a problem. I'm suprised they haven't covered that in one of your classes. I was in 7th grade when that happend and all we did for the rest of the school year, which was only a couple days, was watch news reports on that. Pretty nasty stuff.
Get it from ll have your cd in a week.

Its weird, i live in a small, very small town, and i goto the next small town west to get my stuff........and i didnt have to order a single cd by NEVERMORE, they have them in stock. They also have SANCTAURY in stock. tehy have near everything metal in stock.

Wonder why some stores just cant get them?
Record stores in Maryland suck ass.None of the stores in malls have any of the cds that I'm looking for.When I ask the employees there for help they'll admit that the stuff they carry isn't underground at all.Just by chance I happened to find the last(or only,I'm not sure)Opeth cd in Best Buy today.There was this awesome record store called Sound Oddessy and the majority of the stuff there was metal and hard rock,but GODDAMNIT,they closed.