Nevermore One of the Best Bands Alive!


New Metal Member
Oct 17, 2001
Hey all,

As you can see I've have been into Nevermore every since early 2001 maybe a little earlier then that. And I'll tell you one thing I havent heard such musicmanship with so much raw emotion in my life. I own POE, DNB, and DHIADW and by far my all time fav is DNB. The song DNb is what I'm going to talk about in specific. Whenever a girl enters my life in a really special way I go to that song because if something terrible happens to me I can relate to it and it makes the pain go away when I'm down. I just had a recent thing bad happen to me. You see there's this girl who's my pen pal and we have talked with each other for two years. And I have grown to have very intense feelings for her she said she would meet me where I live in the summer and I was really psyched about what she told me. But just yesterday I got some horrible news. I have a friend who was in dire need of advice and I recommended my pen pal to help out. But ever since then they have become closer. And I got the grim news that my pen pal likes my friend more then me. And gosh I felt liek a ton of bricks hit me in the side of my head. It hurt so much. Then I felt like Warrel when he wrote the lyrics to DNB. I was wracked with sadness. I listened to DNB and Forever while looking at her picture and tears sprung to my eyes. Thats how important Nevermore is to me in my life. I could never go on if I hadnt had heard of them or Iced Earth. But the story of Iced Earth is for another story. Give me any feedback if you want to, take care all.

Many a night in the armchair with that song, so many many years ago '90, after a raven witch Justine parted from my life.

I hate to hear what your going through, it sucks. I can relate because I almost got engaged to two separate girls and I'm glad i didn't. The first girl, "S.K.", I dated for 3 1/2 years during college. I had been burned and heartbroke before so it took me awhile to start to truly love her. But, when I finally let my guard down and become committed to her in the last year and a half, she left me for a guy that was 33. I was 21 and she was 24.(I'm 29 now) I felt depressed and devastated. I saw her at a concert about a month after the split, "Great White, " and she flirted with me while this other guy was away. After the concert, she invited me back to her house. While there we proceeded to drink and get "In the mood." The phone rang and it was the 33 year old guy. She told me to leave and I got pissed. So, I spit right in her face and told her to "Fuck Off." I left her house, walked out to my car and she came after me after about 2 minutes. As I was getting in my car, she tried to hit me but missed. The older guy cheated on her, and she came crawling back to me. I had my revenge and told her to get lost. Another girl, "S.P.", and I dated for 3 years. During this time, we had split up and got back together because she cheated on me. Well, she became pregnant and she and I decided to terminate the pregnancy. My reasons for this, I didn;t know if the child was mine, she had been drinking and doing alot of drugs before and during the pregnancy, and I didn't want this irresponsible bitch to be the mother of my child. I told her I would stick with her and try to work things out, but she left me for an aquaintance of ours. Anyway, a couple of months later, I was singing and doing a set of songs with some friends of mine at a bar. She walked in with this "friend" of ours, and the next song we did was one I wrote about her. I introduced the song as one about "doing everything you fucking can for somebody, making sacrifices, only to have them not appreciate shit! The only thing left to do is "Offer My Soul."(The name of the song). She immediately left the bar crying and revenge was mine. The point of all this is: Life may suck write now, but channel your depression into anger and try to be productive. WHAT COMES AROUND, GOES AROUND. As the SANCTUARY song goes, tell that woman "TASTE MY REVENGE".


ZANEX "I AM THE DOG" :heh: :rock:
heart collector does it for me, man. whenever i'm feeling down and depressed, i just put that song on and even though i still have no idea what its about, i can still reason relate to it, lyrically and musically.
Hey Opeth,
I can feel your pain as well. I have had my heartbroken a few times and the last one was a very long relationship(we are talking years). Don't let it get you down. I have learned that it is their loss and there is someone better out there for you. Easier said than done but the truth always hurts.