How did you get into Nevermore?


An American Psycho
May 15, 2006
Hastings, Nebraska
Back in my early stages of Metal-ness I was also a big wrestling fan, and the wrestler Raven would quite often wear Nevermore shirts. On my first trip to Media Play I found one of their CD's for the first time, so I picked up DNB and the rest is history.

So how about you guys?
I somehow stumbled across "The Seven Tongues of God" and was hooked from there. I was probably looking for something else.
Fucking I Voyager on liek yahoo music launch or something I was hooked and after I listened to it 50 times I got EOR and to this day its my fav song evarrrrr
Nev3rmore are so great I got into them at birth

Seriously, at first I listened to Believe in Nothing and I thought " this band is playing crap pop emo music " then listened to Fault of The Flesh and thought that it was a lot better... 3rd song I listened to was Seven Tongues of God and I got almost all their albums...
heard engines of hate on an online radio station. downloaded it, left it at that. then this dude named will showed me some more of their stuff eventually bought an EP (believe in nothing) then dead heart, then politics, and then downloaded the rest of their discography, and then bought what i was missing a few months ago.
Well, it was when I was first getting into the Metal scene, and I was searching around for various bands, just seeing what genre in Metal was to my liking, and I stumbled across the songs "Dreaming Neon Black" and "Narcosynthesis." I spent a lot of time on the Internet trying to determine which album of Nevermore's I would want to pick up first, then I saw "Dead Heart in a Dead World" in a store. I quickly picked up the rest of their albums. By quickly, I mean that as soon as I got home from purchasing the album, I ordered every other album online. Ta da.
I read in "Metal Maniacs" that WD had a new band named Nevermore, so I waited for the first CD and bought it the day it came out. I have been a huge fan ever since...
My older brother has always been really into nevermore and in the 5th grade i think when i was around 10 he gave me a few cds with some rammstein, nevermore, lost horizon and some other stuff and i really liked dead heart in a dead world and i listened to that almost everyday on the way to school.
Someone sent me Insignificant around when Dead Heart first came out, and then I randomly bought Dreaming Neon Black a month or so later. Dreaming Neon Black remains in my top five albums of all time to this day.
Back in 2003 when they were touring with Dimmu Borgir. My very first show ever. I went to see Dimmu, but ended up buying EoR. Good times.
when talks of gigantour were going on, i wanted to go since dream theater was headlining. i decided to check out some of the other bands listed, and DLed the first random nevermore song i saw. Turned out to be deconstruction.

That solo got me hooked. Bought every album.

Some twice \m/.
I pirated a promo of dreaming neon black from an metal mp3 channel on DALnet since it was the hit scene release of that day, and then I copied the mp3s to a cassette tape to play in my car. I hated the vocals on 'beyond within' but i kept the tape around because I thought the album had potential. Six months later somebody told me to listen to "no more will" and I thought it was pretty damn good so I started chatting it up with my pals. Then I was informed the other metal guys I knew had already been listening to nevermore for a long time without letting me know, so they let me borrow PoE and the s/t. The s/t rocked me even more than DNB, and I eventually came around to liking PoE as well.

wait.. pirating mp3s from irc? and DALnet nonetheless? Cassette tapes?? hahahah awesome. those were the days!
Heard the clip of Jeff Loomis owning when he was 16 and then went out and bought the first CD I saw by the guys.. Which happened to be Dreaming Neon Black. I was so blown away that I spun the CD for like 18 hours straight through. And i've been hooked like crack since.
A fortune cookie intrigued me with a message that said I would find a pleasurable existance through the band Nevermore. Fortune cookie bullshit.
My brother and I went to see Megadeth on 11/28/87 and some band I had never heard of called Sanctuary was opening. I fully expected them to suck, but by the time their first song was done (either Die For My Sins or Battle Angels IIRC), my brother and I were fans. I still remember the look on his face after that song. It was something like this :eek: and I'm sure mine wasn't much different.

We picked up Refuge Denied when it came out a couple months later and then Into the Mirror Black and loved them both. I was severely bummed when I heard that Sanctuary split, but I saw in some metal magazine or other that Warrel and Jim were going to start a new band called Nevermore.

I had forgotten about it until a few years later when I saw the self-titled CD in the store and bought it. I wasn't too impressed, but when PoE came out, I gave it a shot. Even then, my idiot brain didn't think much of it. After a few years of those 2 discs sitting on a shelf collecting dust, I was getting bored with the stuff I had been listening to. So, one day I decided to give PoE another listen. I don't know what changed in those couple of years, but PoE just blew me away. 42147 was the song that really hooked me. I probably listened to that song about 30 times that day and after work I stopped at the nearest music store on the way home and picked up DHIADW and DNB. I didn't manage to catch Nevermore live until last year at Gigantour and can't wait to see them on a headlining tour.