I walk by his room last night while he's talking to one of his other little skater punk friends and he asks me if he can borrrow any of my Nevermore CDs since he hasn't heard any Nevermore, just Sanctuary (which he really liked, too). So I let him borrow DHIADW and EoR, because I guess they'd probobly grow on him more than DNB. He listens to the first 3 songs of DHIADW and is hooked. He loves what of DH he's listened to, which means that there's probobly a good chance of him being into the rest of it. The kid wanted to fake sick today so he could stay home and listen to the rest of my Nevermore CDs
It'd be funny as hell to put him on this forum because he'd probobly love it here, but my mother would chop my fingers off if I ever let him type anything on here again.

It'd be funny as hell to put him on this forum because he'd probobly love it here, but my mother would chop my fingers off if I ever let him type anything on here again.