Got my Mesa oversized 4x12!!


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I FINALLY decided on one of those and picked it up a couple of days ago. I didn't even try the Traditional, oh well. I'll probably own one of those some day anyway.

It's funny...You never really realize how great a cab sounds until it's recorded. Example: I think my Avatar 2x12 sounds great in the room, but sounds like total ass recorded.

When I plugged into the oversized, it sounded great obviously. But I said, hmmm...Let me throw an SM57 in front of it real quick and see what happens.

SOOOO much better recorded! It's kind of insane how much better it sounds. I didn't have to go totally insane with different settings either. It just sounds tighter, more present, just plain better. I can't wait to crank it to a suitable volume and record it.

\m/ I'm very happy.
