Got Neverworld This Morning


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
Pre ordered through Alice Records and it arrived today, though apparently its not officially released until monday, so thats good!

I must say its a really good album! You're done it again guys! I'll admit i was pessimistic when i listened to the clips on the website, thought it sounded ok, but nothing special as such, but i still wanted to get the CD. But it's really great :D

And i like the Enhanced CD section, nice touch! The video is really good :worship:
The European edition has the multimedia section opposed the Japanese version which had the bonus tracks.

Mr Messiah....yeah of course I had seen the multimedia to give it the "thumbs up"! Just haven't got the enhanced CD itself yet! hehe!
I did order my copy of Neverworld today, and I'm expecting it to arrive within 3 or 4 days. Can't wait! Actually I ordered around 5 copies because my metal friends wanted to have a copy aswell! You have many fans over here now PQ! :headbang:

NP: PQ - Glory Tonight (warming up!)
Stormwarrior bought the last copy from Hellraiser today. I have the Jap version so I thought I'd let him have it and I could pick it up from HMV or Virgin.....However, neither HMV or Virgin in Leeds have Neverworld... :mad: Why do these shops insist on not supporting our best homegrown talent? Maybe they're just late arriving and I'm overreacting but I'll be annoyed if they don't stock it.

Secondly, the Edguy album (so I'm told by Hellraiser) is now set for release next week...anyone else had this problem or have I been misinformed?
I'm deciding which version I want +brings out the balance+ there's the media section on the european version but on the japanese there's the tracks and with Sabine ( and I like Endenbridge ). =wishes she weren't a broke ass college student and could get BOTH =
Kitty said:
I'm deciding which version I wnat +brings out the balance+ there's the media section on the european version but on the japanese there's the tracks and with Sabine ( and I like Endenbridge ). =wishes she weren't a broke ass college student and could get BOTH =
Do like me, and buy BOTH! :D

Well, I haven't ordered my Euro Version yet, but I will when I have more money, hopefully soon. :cool:
Dream Thief said:
Secondly, the Edguy album (so I'm told by Hellraiser) is now set for release next week...anyone else had this problem or have I been misinformed?

My copy of Hellfire Club is winging it's way from Germany as we speak. It was despatched on Saturday! Sounds like it's a UK problem as usual! :erk: