OFFICIAL Morning after thread!


Brighton - metal warrior
Mar 27, 2003
England - hove (brighton)
My favourite hang over treatment is a cup of tea and a bit of UM so post what you been upto the night before here.

Last night went to a party. got really fuckin wasted well its new years so what do you expect :D beer vodka tequila and champagne good mix, good people but i left my dream theater cd there... but anyway it was a cool evening :rock: until afterwards when i made the girl i love cry.. which I wont go into here. so new years was a mixed bag and im paying the price now ;) so what did u guys get upto???
this morning its cola and UM o/c for my hangover

I went to a party, huge flat, many ppl, mostly females but Ive drunk too much and I went sleep before midnight, Ive woke up in the morning, talked to friend and went home :p
Simply, new years eve party :lol:
I dont get hangovers. Can get so drunk that cannot remember what happened the last night but still dont seem to get hangovers, just a dry mouth.
Sympozium said:
I dont get hangovers. Can get so drunk that cannot remember what happened the last night but still dont seem to get hangovers, just a dry mouth.
You haven't drink enough. Try drinking several days, that should help.
Water helps.. or some Painkillers. I dont drink that much anyway..

Torgoth: Im writing a mail instead.. that ok?