Got the Megadeth re-issues yesterday...


Aug 15, 2004
Dave Mustaine has managed to ruin ( or destroy is probably a better word ) some of the songs and yet other songs have been improved 100 times! There're no "continuation" in the sound on the albums ( except Peace Sells and So Far So Good, plus the MD45 album ). The sound exchanges/shifts on each song! The vox and bass sound are too high on some of the songs compared to the guitars and drums and on other songs the drum level is too high! The drum sound ( especially Menza's ) is too mechanical! Mustaine has even managed to turn up the volume on some of the guitar faults which is not too good ( i.e. the new intro to Sweating Bullets ). My rates ( based on the remix and remastering only - compared to the originals - not the music! ):

Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? 10/10
So Far, So Good... So What! 10/10
Rust In Peace 8/10
Countdown To Extinction 4/10
Youthanasia 2/10
Cryptic Writing 5/10
Risk 1/10
MD45 10/10

Sorry my bad English - hope it made sense! Stay metal!

i was thinking about getting most of these, since i never bothered to buy the originals, but i'm thinking i'll probably just skip that and get the originals anyway
I like all the remasters. Sure Risk doesn't sound too different but The rest sound great. Peace Sells, SFSGSW, Rust, and Countdown all sound excellent.
so are they worth getting INSTEAD of the originals?

i would be buying Rust, Countdown, Youthanasia and Cryptic Writings when i finally get around to spending money on megadeth
Chromatose said:
so are they worth getting INSTEAD of the originals?

i would be buying Rust, Countdown, Youthanasia and Cryptic Writings when i finally get around to spending money on megadeth
If you're a die hard fan ( like me :D ) then you have to buy the originals AND the re-issues :D . If not, then just go by the re-issues :)
He remastered Countdown? That's a fuckin mistake in my book. That, IMO, is one album with near perfect production values. It's a little trebly, but nothing you cant just EQ yourself in your own player. Unfuckingbelievable that he'd do that.

Killing I can see, Peace Sells I can see... but Countdown and Youth...? that's actually retarded. Im not the biggest fan of Youth... but... the mix was fine.

Dont tell me he scooped the mids and went all fuckin nu-metal on us... there'd be no other reason to bother with the more recent shit.
I actually bought peace - cryptic and overall I like the remixes better. I really didn't like Rust remixed though b/c Dave had to put a new vocal track to take no prisoners and it just doesn't sound right, especially the chant "terminate them," you know the one, it doesn't sound right either. Another thing that bothered me was on countdown a few of the songs, the lead guitar has some reverb on it that make it sound like its coming from an empty room. other than that, Hurray for remixes.
Thats cuz you fuckin' kids are too young to know any better. Obviously he likes KMFDM... sooooo..........
BleedingNeonBlack said:
i would nave to agree with neal on this one

sorry fans

No No No... according to SlipKnot Are Tr00, you like Metallica Slayer anthrax AND MEGADETH...

pfffffff.... like I'm going to believe you! I'd rather believe a jackass that's trying to stir shit because his life is pretty much boring... AND IF any of what he said is true... then he's even more a jackass and he deserved to be treated this way cuz no one in their right mind can be that dumb....

Ahem... No offense taken BNB! I still love Megadeth! :kickass: