got to A/B short term ear damage


Oct 30, 2008
long story short the "high end" on the left in-ear headphones i use for my mp3 player vanished and iv'e tried to pretend like i don't need to buy a new set for a few days now.

anyway im listening at around 90% volume usually and obviously now i have no high end on the left ear (which sucks balls) and normal EQ on the right ear.
so after about 20-30 minutes of listening to my mp3 players i took the headphones off and what i heard was like A/Bing normal hearing vs. damaged hearing due to exposure to high volume, which obviously happens to both ears on any other day...

iv'e gotta say, it was like my left ear was awake and my right ear was still in bed ignoring everything! iv'e read somewhere that it's a defense mechanism inside the ear which causes the perceived volume to go down for a while once triggered and wears off after about a week or two without being exposed to loud noises again, which obviously won't happen....

anyway just goes to show how FUCKED UP our ears get very easily without even noticing.
which makes me wonder, have anyone ever mixed a track after being exposed to loud music (as sneapsters would have it) and was horrified at what he's done a few days afterwards and had to re-mix?
Yeah, I know what you mean. That's why I listen to music fairly quiet now, and never mix after a concert. I remember going to Forbidden, and having to wait a couple days, and right when I was ready to go at it again, I go to a tribute band concert, which is typically quiet, at least for a concert. The AC/DC cover band was fuckin' LOUD, and I had to wait a couple more days past that.
My question is why the fuck are you listening to your mp3 player at 90% volume? You're gonna fuck up your ears man. Mine didn't stop ringing one day. And it's FUCKING ANNOYING. Protect your shit, son. Tinnitus/ hearing loss is a bitch.
well i listen at around 27 out of 30 points but i find it impossible to actually ENJOY music at less than this volume.
seriously, im aware of the consequences hence why i dont raise it to 100% but metal has to be IN YOUR FACE to be enjoyable.
otherwise, it's like going to a great concert where the PA is to quiet, don't know if it ever happened to you, but the whole concert loses it's "punch" and sense of chaos
My question is why the fuck are you listening to your mp3 player at 90% volume? You're gonna fuck up your ears man. Mine didn't stop ringing one day. And it's FUCKING ANNOYING. Protect your shit, son. Tinnitus/ hearing loss is a bitch.

^ +100000000

Dude you need to watch your ears or you're fucked for life
Destroying your ears purposefully is, anecdotally, equal to a painter deliberately sawing a hand off.

You can still create art, but not as gracefully and with such adept quality than you could have otherwise.
i know man, but you have to remember i'm still a heavy metal fan which is why i got to playing and recording in the first place.
obviously it would be wiser not to listen to loud music/listen to music so loud or wear ear-plugs at concerts but what's the point in going to a concert if you're not gonna end up half deaf, beaten up and barely standing afterwards?

it's kind of a (huge) paradox being and metal-head and an AE but i'd kill myself before i'd wear ear-plugs when Randy Blythe is standing in front of me.

the point of this thread was, however, to show how badly our ears get screwed without even noticing.
you can try listening to music with just one side of your headphones and you'll see (hear) what im talking about.
Hey you can listen however you'd like. Saying you have to listen at ear splitting levels is simply not true. I've been enjoying metal for two decades at very low volumes.

Just a fair warning. If you continue without some protection, there's a chance you'll end up half deaf at 40, with the ringing in your ears keeping you up at night and driving you insane. It may not happen. Some people go through careers in metal and engineering without their ears going to shit. But if they do, all it would have taken is a turn of the volume knob and some fucking $10 filters from Guitar Center. Think about it.