Grab Bags on Distros


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
Hello guys

I'm Joan from Chile, long time no post here

I was wondering if this question is on this topic, if not let me know and I'll delete it

I want to know if anyone knows distros or sellers that sells grab bags like the ones that Century Media, or Nuclear Blast and also Relapse use to sell (Relapse kinda suck) and of course if they are any good.

I love to get some and get unknown and sometimes well known bands (normally CM and NB got 50/50)

I'll appreciate it

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Divebomb Records is another one apparently. They have a 39 CD thrash metal grab bag for 350 bucks which comes out to roughly 9 dollars per CD

Yes they have actually a Grab Bag, The 39 CD bag have fixed cd titles, is not a random Grab Bag..... I have ordered a Grab Bag from them (5 CDs for $30.00 International) and got very good stuff
