Gracias Maidens!!


puro pinche metal!
On behalf of the "PsychicMetal101 Family" I want to extend a big warm n' fuzzy thank you to The Iron Maidens & Crew. It's always a major kick playing with you crazy kids... but this time it was extra extra special. We all had an awesome time... love the 2 new songs & the new stage effects. Our regulars were blown away... and want to see you again soon!

Another big thanks to all you rabid "TheIronMaidens" fans for making us feel welcomed. We thought we were throwing you some curve balls... but evidently you do know your Metal - BRAVO!!

We're gonna miss you MEL :cry: !!

Be Metal & Prosper,

SciKikMobster / Metal101 - music from the past - music for the future
Denim & Leather - True Metal Classic!

Ahh, the memories...Always being one of the first to be in front row for kickass bands, Biff Byford (is that his real name?) the singer from Saxon (for those of you that don't know) came out on stage, walked up to me, reached down and shook my hand. THAT was sooo cool, especially since he did that for only me and nobody else. (I figure he saw me standing out there long before anybody else came out on the floor.) Yep, I was stoked. It was great to hear that song! Keep those classics 101!