Gracious thanks from Lance and Nightmare Records


The Nightmare Has Begun..
I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing everyone and showing them the cool new stuff we have at Nightmare.

I speak for the rest of the Nightmare crew in saying, you guys make what could be arduous work, a joy. I want you all to know your support is exceedingly appreciated and is of great help in supporting the Nightmare artists and their music and also my family as Nightmare is my bread and butter these days...

We shipped home less than half of what we brought.... Awesome.

As always there were many people I wish I could have spent more time with, some only getting a passing wave, or a pat on the shoulder as they walked by, never enough time, energy, or both? But there is always next year, looking forward to it already!

Rage on thunderheads!

Just wanted to say thanks for the CD/Shirt deal the album is amazing rocked it on the way home. As always thanks for chating and taking pics and signing very nice a true pro. Hope to see Nighmare again next year.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing everyone and showing them the cool new stuff we have at Nightmare.

My wallet may not be thanking you, but my ears sure are! As always, it was a real pleasure to get to see you again. One of the reasons why I like going to this thing, getting to see you and seeing what cool new music I can grab from you.

BTW, that Teodor Tuff album I got off of you is friggan SICK!!! Holy mother and the love of all things Metal, that album just KICKS MAJOR ASS!!! This is the SECOND TIME I am listening to it in one day!
I didn't have a chance to get it all up to work today, so it's waiting for tomorrow. I only bought two discs from vendors that weren't I think I bought 14 from you? Your willingness to open products, rip them to your iPod, and play them for folks is seriously awesome. It got you at least another half dozen sales for humoring me for half an hour. So thank you for making buying such a pleasure, and so much more of a sure thing.
I told you... the soundscans on that album were horrifying, I'm like it's got to be the name, no one even checked it out, trust me peeps the TEODOR TUFF is a very enjoyable listen!

Yes, it's got to be the name. Teodor Tuff sounds like a character that should be frolicking in the Hundred Acre Wood with Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin.

I listened to the CD twice today and agree with SkiBumMSP that this is a KICK ASS release! Maybe take a great quote from a review and turn it into a sticker on the CD cover to generate some more interest?
I pulled the newest Cloudscape, which I really enjoy. Also picked up Teramaze but I haven't given it a spin yet. Do you guys have a storefront in Minneapolis? I have a friend's wedding there next year and I need to pass the time...
The new Cloudscape is really good. But, shit, I cannot seem to get past that damn Teodor Tuff album! :devil: It has been a long time since an album has blown me away as much as that release has!!

I was pushing that album hardcore the entire time I was working the booth. I'm so glad a few people got past the name, picked it up, and are digging it as much as I am! Possibly my prog find of the year!
Lance's table is always my first stop in the vendor's room. I picked up the new Cloudscape, Delain, and Teodor Tuff from him. (I might have gotten a couple more from his table, but I am dealing with the PP plague right now). The Delain and TT albums are awesome. I haven't broken the seal on the new Cloudscape yet.
My wife and I picked up a few things from the Nightmare table, Lost in Thought, Dark Empire, and Seventh Wonder albums. I was sad to hear that the only copy of Myrath's "Hope" was sold before I could get my grubby hands on it.

Lance very nicely signed the booklet of his solo album for my wife, thanks again Lance!