Gracious thanks from Lance and Nightmare Records

Any other Fav's in your hauls from the Nightmare tables?

I'm enjoying my entire haul...Myrath...Eumeria...Alberto Rigoni...Arjen Lucassen (especially the "Welcome to the Machine" cover).

And Teodor Tuff is still kicking my butt. Have listened to "Tower of Power" at least 5 times already today. :rock:

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I also picked up the TT albulm after over hearing Lance talk it up to someone. I'm really glad I did - totally blown away by how great the disc is! I'm also really liking Sound of Thunder and Suspyre.
Would you be willing to release a final tally of how much you took in at Progpower? I'd be super interested.

Let's just say I was smiling, with the knowledge that I could pay for the fall release pressings, not including the promotion of the albums.

I pulled the newest Cloudscape, which I really enjoy. Also picked up Teramaze but I haven't given it a spin yet. Do you guys have a storefront in Minneapolis? I have a friend's wedding there next year and I need to pass the time...

No store front, just the site man, but when you're in town, give me a call!
Just listened to two Teodor Tuff songs on Youtube. Holy crap, great stuff!

Yep. One of the best discs I've bought this year. Amazing band. Sadly, I do think the name has put people off. This is definitely in my Top Ten for this question about it. The best new band I've discovered this year...and I've heard a LOT of new music.

P.S. Wanted to add my thanks to YOU Lance. You are consistently an incredibly customer friendly vendor and always seem eager to preview new music. It's such a small thing really to have an iPod & dock sitting there with tons of new stuff ripped to it. But you're the only vendor who does that. I've lost count now of the number of discs I've bought based on a listen to your Dock 'O Doom.
Indeed, anyone hear the VANGOUGH "Kingdom or Ruin" album ? It's a shame this one didn't catch on, it's really quite brilliant.

I have it, but not gotten around to cracking the wrapper on it yet. In fact, I got it at the end of the show after Symphony X. On the way out, I noticed there was a box that had "Free - Grab Box" written on it, and I scored a copy of this album out of it. I remember making a joke at your table about a "grab box", so I was surprised to actually see a "grab box" like that!

I'll have to go give it a spin then.
I'm going to have to say Andromeda's Manifest Tyranny. I'm not really ok with the lyrics but anything with Thomas drumming is an insta buy for me.