grampa serving a beating

...It's probably not healthy to be as elated and ecstatic as I was upon seeing his blood on the seat :D "TOLD YA NOT TO FUCK WITH ME!!!" And listen to the camerawoman and the other (black) people egging him on, ugghhhh ("beat his white ass, fuck-his-ass-up" at ~1:15, :rolleyes: ) - brings back memories of living in NYC

Disclaimer: Obviously genetically the ONLY differences between people of different races are phenotypical (physically manifested traits such as skin color, hair, etc.), no I'm not racist, blah blah blah - uneducated scum exist in every race, white people perhaps more than any other (southern US anyone?), and it's always a joy to see them utterly pwned (reminds me of that "Chav gets his ass beat by fat Star Trek nerd" vid :lol: )
Really supportive girlfriend I might add... :smug:

But yeah. That grandpa looked pretty fierce before the fight started. Rule number one in fighting: Judge correctly if you have a chance at winning. If yes, command the situation. If not, SHUT UP AND RUN AWAY.

And the best part is shes like lets press charges i got it on tape....Yeah you got your dude instigating a fight on tape and then gettin his ass handed to him...good luck with that one haha
After watching this i immediately thought of that episode of chapelles show "when keepin it real goes wrong"...Turns out the white guy kept it realer
awesome motivational posters.

I don't really understand how everything started but it sounded like the black guy made some smart ass remark when he walked by the older guy. Not sure though.

edit: Just watched the second video. Grampa is fucking mental.

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