grampa serving a beating

haha a pitty i cant understand everything of the "conversation" (if you can call it so^^) at the beginning haha
but i lol'd anyway :D
fucked with the wrong person.

my grandma once did something similary to some 16yr old douchebag, but with no blood involved...his friends laughted so hard at him afterwards haha
I don't really understand how everything started but it sounded like the black guy made some smart ass remark when he walked by the older guy. Not sure though.

That was my impression ("Why a brotha gotta shine yo fuckin' shoes" :rolleyes: ) And yeah, the second vid is pretty hilarious, the dude looks like he's about to have an aneurysm :lol:
...It's probably not healthy to be as elated and ecstatic as I was upon seeing his blood on the seat :D "TOLD YA NOT TO FUCK WITH ME!!!" And listen to the camerawoman and the other (black) people egging him on, ugghhhh ("beat his white ass, fuck-his-ass-up" at ~1:15, :rolleyes: ) - brings back memories of living in NYC

Disclaimer: Obviously genetically the ONLY differences between people of different races are phenotypical (physically manifested traits such as skin color, hair, etc.), no I'm not racist, blah blah blah - uneducated scum exist in every race, white people perhaps more than any other (southern US anyone?), and it's always a joy to see them utterly pwned (reminds me of that "Chav gets his ass beat by fat Star Trek nerd" vid :lol: )

I recently moved from the northeast to the south (southern Louisiana) and I must say that in general, and there are exceptions to this, there is less (and different) racism here than in the north. But everyone seems to forget the race riots that broke out in 1974 in Boston, including whites pelting black students with rocks and bottles.

The racism in the north is subtle, unspoken, but clearly there. Just my observation having lived both places.

Edit: Video is badass to the MAX.
I recently moved from the northeast to the south (southern Louisiana) and I must say that in general, and there are exceptions to this, there is less (and different) racism here than in the north. But everyone seems to forget the race riots that broke out in 1974 in Boston, including whites pelting black students with rocks and bottles.

The racism in the north is subtle, unspoken, but clearly there. Just my observation having lived both places.

I'm afraid I don't see your point, especially in quoting my response in your reply
You mentioned the southern US in your post. Just defending them a bit plus playing the devil's advocate. Definitely not saying the south isn't racist, it certainly is but so is the north, just in a different way. Either way, I'm glad that dude got his teeth knocked in.
Ah, ok - my point in mentioning them actually wasn't to say they were racist, but more to illustrate that bottom-feeders are present in every race, region, and country, though I should clarify that I meant like Westboro Baptist Church or inbred redneck-style (AKA stereotypical) Southern people, rather than all; my Mom's side of the family live in TN and GA, and I know tons of people from the south who I like and respect, so apologies for that!
No apologies needed - I'm still a yankee at heart and always will be. The south is a backwards and confusing place.


;) :D
Stupid fucking my pals got what he deserved.

For the record, my pals to me means anybody ignorant. Most black people I've ever known have always been the funniest/most awesome characters ever


That man is the final boss of the world ROFL