Well, it's probably not garbage, probably because im trying to stay objective here. I kinda got bored with metal, so nowadays if something is not amazing I just dont like it.
And its certainly not amazing. I can feel some oldschool bloodbath vibes, but thats not it. It's a strange mix, not monotonous enough to just ignore it and let play in the background and not catchy enough to give a fuck while listening to it.
First Bloodbath EP was catchy as fucj, you could turn it into a pop song and it had energy and flavour.
Or we could have so0mething like Fathomless Mastery with great atmosphere.
This I probably heard 1000 thousand times before, but I just cant remember it because it all sounds the same.
Vocals are probably not helping, they monotonous as fuck, theyre better than in previous album, but its still just grumpy dude barking some shit with the same tone. Snoozefest. Guitar tone is okay though.
Final thought: Yea, leave those track names to Lordi, they fit them. For Bloodbath it sounds edgy and silly. Unless it's shitpost album, but it doesnt look like it.