
The Tragedy Of Man said:
I'd go as far as to say that Thousand Swords rivals the best of the best in metal on just about every level, from drumming through to production.

The samples from Fire Chariots... implied an improvement upon the previous couple of albums which, whilst enjoyable, lack momentum and at times sound rushed.

no u :mad:

dawn of iron blades is fairly bad but fire of awakening is fantastic
dodens grav i think it's pretty much universally accepted that you're terrible so i'm going to ignore that
Yeah, because anyone that listens to Thrash can't listen to s00per kvlt Black Metal like you.

also anyone who uses the phrase "s00per kvlt" generally removes any traces of respectability they might have had
I guess I should sell my Infernum, Mutiilation, Ad Hominem, Blut Aus Nord, Drudkh, The Shadow Order, Seigneur Voland, Legion Of Doom, Nachtfalke, Nehemah, and Weakling CDs away then. I didn't realize that everyone had to be permanently defined by a single genre in the UK.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
No I just think that alot of Kvlt Black Metallers forget the point of music. Im familiar with it, I just dont like it very much. I listen to bands like Immortal, Marduk, Emperor, Mayhem and alot of the more well know stuff like that because I think it is musically superior to shit like burzum or graveland.

All those bands are crappy.
Emperor have a completely different musical atmosphere from Burzum. You can't really compare the two and say Burzum sucks because it doesn't sound like Emperor.
I think both sides of this argument forget that, equally as often. There's nothing wrong with listening to music simply to enjoy it.
Meh. Give BMT a break, he's a brilliant fry cook. I patronized the restaurant of his uncle (Tom is his name, if my memory serves me correctly). His hands were absolutely magical! What a bird! Could of went a little easy on the gravy though. But who am I to nitpick? When is your next shift Titus? I wish to call in a lunch order!