Best Album of the Year
You know, i'm glad you have been in therapy long enough to get over that oh-so-important roadblock of "i need my musical tastes validated by some jackass who lives in Olympia". Seriously, you have made awesome progress.
No, the difference between myself and you, as well as many of your esteemed progsnob buddies (i know not all progsnobs are progmetalfan's buddys. Don't email me) is i have a sense of humor. You are right. I put out the "mars volta is bullshit" because i wanted a response. Congratulations bud, you figured out my big secret. The thing is, you did the exact same, so saying i have no creativity is like the pot calling the kettle black (or some such metaphor).
Well, anyway, i love a good internet arguement as much as the next person, but i also love sleep. if you think this is me backing down, go for it. If it makes your life better and your self-esteem baloon fill up with just an eeeeeeensie weeeeeensie bit more air, i wish you the best. The truth is, unlike you have shown, i could give 2 shits about this whole thing. This is entertainment to me, not an arguement. This is fun watching you get so rialed up over an oppinion of some guy who's sitting at his computer at 2 in the morning instead of getting some much needed sleep.
No. Pizza. Then sleep.
Oh, and i don't need my sense of humor validated by progmetalfan

No, the difference between myself and you, as well as many of your esteemed progsnob buddies (i know not all progsnobs are progmetalfan's buddys. Don't email me) is i have a sense of humor. You are right. I put out the "mars volta is bullshit" because i wanted a response. Congratulations bud, you figured out my big secret. The thing is, you did the exact same, so saying i have no creativity is like the pot calling the kettle black (or some such metaphor).
Well, anyway, i love a good internet arguement as much as the next person, but i also love sleep. if you think this is me backing down, go for it. If it makes your life better and your self-esteem baloon fill up with just an eeeeeeensie weeeeeensie bit more air, i wish you the best. The truth is, unlike you have shown, i could give 2 shits about this whole thing. This is entertainment to me, not an arguement. This is fun watching you get so rialed up over an oppinion of some guy who's sitting at his computer at 2 in the morning instead of getting some much needed sleep.
No. Pizza. Then sleep.
Oh, and i don't need my sense of humor validated by progmetalfan