Great guitar players who arent guitar-wankers and have that thing called FEELING

i mean everybody (=people who thinks they know something about music because they listen to the radio) is saying he is the best (!!!) guitarist ever. and he isnt.
Originally posted by Mariner
i mean everybody (=people who thinks they know something about music because they listen to the radio) is saying he is the best (!!!) guitarist ever. and he isnt.

i dont think everybody says that ! If they do they may be wrong ... And indeed Cerulean is right it's not about 'Greatness' or 'Technical skills", the thread was about feeeeeeeeeling ;)

BTW Clapton once said Trey Azagtoth (fuck mispelling of demonish names ) from Morbid Angel was one of the most amazing guitar players he had ever heard , so respect to Mr Clapton the metalhead :rock:
ok. I take my words back. I have to agree he has feeling. But he stays overrated.
He thinks the morbidangel guy is good. well he is as well, death is very technical so. :(
Originally posted by Cerulean
No, you're of a much lower class, I'll refuse to look at your face. I'm looking for equally talented people to get in contact with but that's the hardest challenge ever

U fucking Belgian elitist prick ! ;p
Originally posted by Cerulean
Hell no, I'm moving to USA and have my identity changed, my name will be Goro the Grrrrrreat

'The great' is a title that is only reserved to people from southern England if you know what I mean :D