Great News for Evergrey Fans!

May 9, 2003
I just heard over at the Evergrey board that Evergrey are the third band to play with IE and CoB on the upcoming US tour! The tour will start shortly after Evergrey's new album comes out on April 27th. The album is titled "The Inner Circle", and concentrates on the ideas of cults and religion and how family members of someone whom is part of these things are effected. Basically it deals with the problem of people trying to throw their religion on others. The concept of the album is the concept Tom Englund wanted to do for the album that Recreation Day was, but he did not have enough facts and research at the time to write on the particular topic. The tour t-shirts that will support the release of the new album will bear the theme "I am a God......a God walking". Just thought some people may not have heard this excellent news yet!
The Yngster said:
Are you trying to be a smart ass? LOL.....well maybe it will be released during the tour I don't know, but I do know that they are the third band and that album info is correct. The album is finished and has already had a listening party open to music reviewers and media type people. Go to the topic on the Evergrey forum posted about it and the guy has links for the info from Inside Out Music and another one from some music reviewer or something.
symphonyXjapan said:
Are you trying to be a smart ass? LOL.....well maybe it will be released during the tour I don't know, but I do know that they are the third band and that album info is correct. The album is finished and has already had a listening party open to music reviewers and media type people. Go to the topic on the Evergrey forum posted about it and the guy has links for the info from Inside Out Music and another one from some music reviewer or something.
Heh....nevermind that, just go to to see that it is true!
BTW, hope i didn't come across as an ass :grin: SymphonyXjapan, no offense intended. I'm excited as hell about evergrey personally, because they are one of my favorite bands, and that sounds like one of the best tours. Now if nightwish gets some killer support, that's the only rival for this tour that i can see this year.
Snowmaker said:
FUCK! They're coming to Harpo's in Detroit. :yell: :bah:

That's the place that screwed over Symphony X last year by making them cut their set list in half because they didn't want to pay the staff for another hour.
When Iced Earth toured with In Flames a few years ago the turnout at Harpos was huge so they didn't cut any of the sets. In Flames was an opener and still got 12 songs!!! I'd expect that Bodom got at least 10 and Evergrey about 6-7.
out of all three bands, I think evergrey is my favorite. I loved IE untill Matt left the band. well, at least now I can get my Recreation day CD and a few IE cd's signed mabie..