For Evergrey fans

May 9, 2003
I know this band does nothing for some people here, but for those that do like them I wanted to start this thread about the new album they are in the process of recording right now.

Anyway, for those that don't know EG have been posting clips of the recording process on their blog for a little bit now. They are up to about 3 right now. In the clips you can hear some of the music and from what I have heard so far it sounds to me like I will really like the new album. It definately is sounding like a turnaround from the abomination that was Monday Morning Apocalypse. Ok, MMA wasn't THAT bad but it was definately not ALL them and is my least favorite of all their recordings, even the debut album and its low production value.

Just wanted to start a little thread for those here that care about EG since not many people visit their forum and I know there are some EG fans here. Anyhow, discuss what you think of the clips so far, and if you are a fan and haven't seen them then visit their forum here at UM and click the logo at the top to get a link to their blog with the videos to check them out!
I won't even talk about Inner Circle and Beyond because i really don't like that stuff and want to keep down the "if you're not a fan then get out of this thread" bullshit *coughriderofjusticecough*

Edit: just re-read the thread title and SXJ took care of this problem by specifying "for fans". I guess I can't bitch if those comments take place here :lol:

In Search of Truth is one of my favorite albums ever. Hands down. It's a fantasticly and flawlessly crafted musical journey. Solitude Dominance Tragedy is also great, Dark Discovery is awesome (despite the production and much rawer overall feel) and even Recreation Day has its moments... especially Trilogy of the Damned. Listening to that song reminds me of seeing them at ProgPower and performing it live and it gives me chills. Absolutely stunning.

I think Evergrey have passed the phase where they're a useful band in my eyes, but i will always love those first albums. If i hear enough indication that the new disc is great and a return to the older days, i'll probably at least check it out.
I only recently checked out a few Evergrey songs and like what I have heard so far. In fact I was going to start a topic on Evergrey a few weeks back but declined. Seems I checked them out 5 years ago or so and there was something about the singing I didnt like so I forgot about them. Doesnt seem the case with the few songs I have heard recently
When the Walls Go Down
The Curtain Fall
A Touch of Blessing

I really couldnt talk about the songs, its been at least a week since I played them and only listened a few times, I just know it made me figure I might get a CD or two.
I won't even talk about Inner Circle and Beyond because i really don't like that stuff and want to keep down the "if you're not a fan then get out of this thread" bullshit *coughriderofjusticecough*

Edit: just re-read the thread title and SXJ took care of this problem by specifying "for fans". I guess I can't bitch if those comments take place here :lol:

In Search of Truth is one of my favorite albums ever. Hands down. It's a fantasticly and flawlessly crafted musical journey. Solitude Dominance Tragedy is also great, Dark Discovery is awesome (despite the production and much rawer overall feel) and even Recreation Day has its moments... especially Trilogy of the Damned. Listening to that song reminds me of seeing them at ProgPower and performing it live and it gives me chills. Absolutely stunning.

I think Evergrey have passed the phase where they're a useful band in my eyes, but i will always love those first albums. If i hear enough indication that the new disc is great and a return to the older days, i'll probably at least check it out.

I like Recreation Day...I didn't like Solitude Dominance Tradgedy...In Search of Truth sounds pretty cool from the samples...I think I'll pick it up.
@Zach I made the thread title like that JUST for you!

Like I said before I don't absolutely hate MMA its just that past the recognizable playing of the band the production as a whole was noticeably not EG. I feel that they never should have allowed an outside producer to touch their music, besides, it is their own production that gave them so many fans to begin with and they should trust their own production when it comes to their own music. The same could be said for almost any band.

I find it strange that my least and most favorite album by EG came out next to one another. In my opinion they peaked at The Inner Circle then slumped all the way down the mountain with MMA. TIC was like a mix between ISoT and RD with the addition of a string quartet. Basically my 2nd and 3rd favorite albums combined with the added sound of a string section. I think the strings were a nice addition to work with for one album although I would never want them to use strings that heavily on one album again because it would get old fast I think. Solitude Dominance Tragedy would probably be more of a competition in my top three if it had better sound quality though. Anyway, the bits of sound in those updates remind me a little of the sounds of older albums. Maybe I would say like the keyboard atmosphere of ISoT mixed with the guitars/bass/drum sounds of RD. It really is too early to determine so don't take that very seriously. I also think Jari (the new bassist/ex Stratovarious) sounds good with Jonas (who himself has also now got a more personal touch with drums since joining EG).
MMA was more straightforward. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they continued in that direction, returned to their older sound, or went somewhere new. In fact, the latter would be most interesting.
I find Englund's vocal delivery very predictable and tiring...that's my main problem with that band...all the vocals are very repetitive...same inflections on every song.
MMA was more straightforward. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they continued in that direction, returned to their older sound, or went somewhere new. In fact, the latter would be most interesting.

My problem with MMA is that because it is so straightforward every track (except the couple slower songs) sounds the same. There is nothing differentiating them from one another and allowing them each their own unique quality. I do feel like listening to it every so often because it is not total crap and I think them being more straightforward was ok for them to do once and once only.

@ whoever said that Tom's voice is too predictable

I don't understand what you mean, his voice isn't any more predictable than any other singer out there? You sound like you expect him to sporadically change his voice throughout the songs or something.
My problem with MMA is that because it is so straightforward every track (except the couple slower songs) sounds the same. There is nothing differentiating them from one another and allowing them each their own unique quality. I do feel like listening to it every so often because it is not total crap and I think them being more straightforward was ok for them to do once and once only.

@ whoever said that Tom's voice is too predictable

I don't understand what you mean, his voice isn't any more predictable than any other singer out there? You sound like you expect him to sporadically change his voice throughout the songs or something.

it's his inflections...they're always the same...he has a good voice and I enjoy his singing, but somehow his vocal phrasing seems the same on every song which...his cadencing maybe?'s hard to describe. I must have forgotten the safety net of "IMO"...sorry...ha!
I can kind of understand what you are saying when I think about MMA. Because all the non slow songs on it were structured the same and didn't have much difference between one another his voice kind of had the same rythms and changeups on every song. But when it comes to albums before it I don't see it that much myself...?
it's his inflections...they're always the same...he has a good voice and I enjoy his singing, but somehow his vocal phrasing seems the same on every song which...his cadencing maybe?'s hard to describe.

I know what you are saying and agree 100%.
I can kind of understand what you are saying when I think about MMA. Because all the non slow songs on it were structured the same and didn't have much difference between one another his voice kind of had the same rythms and changeups on every song. But when it comes to albums before it I don't see it that much myself...?

It's all over Recreation Day.