Great news!!

Not saying it doesn't pay to be stuck-up; however, it seems in everything edible or drinkable she criticizes.

Plus coffee is shit anyway.
Not saying it doesn't pay to be stuck-up; however, it seems in everything edible or drinkable she criticizes.

Plus coffee is shit anyway.

It happens to everyone who has the opportunity to experience other cultures. I wouldn't say it's stuck-up, but I'll give in that we can be a little snobbish sometimes...but it comes with the territory. Until you've experienced the things she's talking about, it's difficult to understand, and therefore comes off as a little snobbish. But that's's all meant to broaden other people's minds.

And let's be honest: Americans don't tend to go outside their own circles very much. We like comfort and safety and places that aren't very different from what we know.

In her defense, I must confess that I was a little puzzled that McDonald's was listed as "good coffee". I mean, it's not bad and it's definitely drinkable, but I wouldn't label it as good. However, that's just my opinion because most American coffee tastes like muddy water to me. The only thing worse is German coffee.
It happens to everyone who has the opportunity to experience other cultures. I wouldn't say it's stuck-up, but I'll give in that we can be a little snobbish sometimes...but it comes with the territory. Until you've experienced the things she's talking about, it's difficult to understand, and therefore comes off as a little snobbish. But that's's all meant to broaden other people's minds.

And let's be honest: Americans don't tend to go outside their own circles very much. We like comfort and safety and places that aren't very different from what we know.

Thats funny... Cause I'm American and I try pretty much anything I can get my hands on foodwise. Except for Tripe. Fuck that shit.
I didn't know that if you live in America it automatically makes you a bulkfood buying, Corporation loving, fast food eating, Single minded person.
I mean lets be honest: Not everyone outside of America has a major in social sciences of Americans.
Thats funny... Cause I'm American and I try pretty much anything I can get my hands on foodwise. Except for Tripe. Fuck that shit.
I didn't know that if you live in America it automatically makes you a bulkfood buying, Corporation loving, fast food eating, Single minded person.
I mean lets be honest: Not everyone outside of America has a major in social sciences of Americans.

Well, being AMERICAN, having been BORN, RAISED, AND LIVING THERE FOR MOST OF MY LIFE, I feel I have enough experience to say that many Americans ARE like that...myself included to some degree. I love fast food, big cars, and some of the excess just like the next guy. That doesn't mean we're all a bunch of slobs, though. I'd like to see it come into check. I'm not generalizing and I tried to make that clear.

I forgot to mention insecure and hyper-sensitive. Thanks for reminding me.
You are REALLY stuck-up when it comes to food and drink.

I'm not being 'stuck-up' - I just like what I like- there is nothing wrong with it.
I don't think it has much to do with that fact that I travel a lot or being 'cultured' or that I eat food in different places, I think I just developed a taste that suits me,
and I will not compromise it for anything.
If you think about it: there is nothing wrong with that. In fact I think that if more people would have the same attitude,
then maybe all those fast food joints would actually be better, instead of making food and coffee for the masses that taste like a candle.
If I was a true stuck up I would probably look at you while drinking that shit coffee from McDonald's with a disgusted look as though you were drinking a kitten;
but I don't do that.... It's ok if other people like to do what they like to do, I'm not forcing the world to drink good espresso, or eat quality food (the kind that
doesn't involve a burger that was prepared in 30 seconds)
I just think they are missing out on a lot of good things out there simply because they wouldn't come out of their box.

Now, Chris I see your point, but I think America has so much to offer...
there is nothing that is not within reach here, any culture, any cuisine, any food you may desire- you will be able to find it here....
and I know a lot of people that are very well rounded with food/ drinks or whatever without setting their food outside of the US...
But I see your point.

Anyhoo: coffee anyone? I just roasted a batch.
^ yeah it's the people who won't come out of their boxes that kill me...
I mean: if you tried something and you hated it, and you really honestly think McDies coffee or whatever is awesome: then that's GREAT! at least you tried and everybody is entitled for their own opinion..
but some people won't even try!
I'm like: "try this! it's good" "NO!!!!"
That's plain retarded.
Their loss really, they don't know what their missing ;)
he moved halfway around the world but still cant get us out of his mind. Amurica is just too damn sexay!

OMG it's so true!

Seriously, I miss a great deal of things in the US, but the only thing that could lure me back there would be either San Francisco or Seattle. Maybe Boston.

As far as people go, they're exactly the same here...just in different ways. The things I love and hate about Americans I love and hate about Europeans.

Except for the commies. They make me want to vomit...tree-hugging pansies.

This is my reasoning, and I think many of you will agree:

In my opinion, living in the US is better if you have plenty of money and can afford all the luxuries it has to offer. There is just no comparison to the quality of life you can have if you can afford it. If you are just an average Joe, Europe may be more to your taste because you can have a better quality of life than many Americans like you who don't earn very much money. Things like free education and health care are greatly appreciated when you don't make a lot of money.
^ yeah it's the people who won't come out of their boxes that kill me...
I mean: if you tried something and you hated it, and you really honestly think McDies coffee or whatever is awesome: then that's GREAT! at least you tried and everybody is entitled for their own opinion..
but some people won't even try!
I'm like: "try this! it's good" "NO!!!!"
That's plain retarded.
Their loss really, they don't know what their missing ;)

Isn't that extremely frustrating?