
Yes, that's my daughter
Jan 26, 2009
Houston, TX
Thanks to all for a wonderful time at Day 1 at the Festival last night. I had a death in my family yesterday morning, dealt with that all day, was not needed for the night and beat it to San Antonio to hang amongst friends, cold beer, and good tunes (in no particular order). I am sooooo glad I went out.

I missed my own boys, Metavenge, which for me stinks- I missed Halcyon Way- big bummer too as I really like their CD. I caught the rest of the show tho- and drank- and had fun- etc etc. Totally took my mind off the homefront for the few hours I was out. So for that- extra thanks again.

Great show, if you're reading these words and near the area, get yer ass out there- nice to meet so many of you as well, the rest? I'll see you on the big boat next Spring!!!
Sorry to hear about you loss Beth. It was a pleasure to meet you last night. I got a bunch of pictures of your boys which I will send you with the e-mail you gave me. Keep those boys on the straight and narrow and keep them rockin fast and furious.
Many thank you's (it was a very long illness, but sad all the same)

I got out for the few hours last night too and again- a great time. I think I need to keep clothes in my car since I went out right after dinner w/out changing- LOL. I'm eager to hear everyone else's take on it- mine? Great show/lineup. I had a killer time.
TB, sorry about your loss.

I wish we met up at the fest....I was trying to find someone who looked like you, but you were nowhere to be found. :lol:

Were you wearing a pretty dress on Saturday night? If so, I was going to come up to you to introduce myself.

My husband and I had an awesome time....he can't stop talking about the last song of the fest! :headbang:
LOL! Well, I hope I look like me! I do try to look like myself when I'm out places- ;) After driving to SA, back to Houston, back to SA, back to Houston, then a show that was an hour away (Clear Lake) and back again, it was approx 1000 miles of driving- PLUS the real-life stuff I'm beat the hell UP! Soooooo tired- but have a nap w/ my name on it this afternoon and some good hours tonight as well.

Thank you for the condolensces- it's very up n down, but this was not unexpected so overall I'm doing ok- just trying to keep my mom together is the bigger task. All the warm thoughts both on the boards and at the show were and continue to be greatly appreciated.
:lol: I didn't get to meet MetalSpice or J-Man.

Ha Ha!
I was around.
But yeah...I didn't really get to meet anyone. Said Hi to J-Man, but figured he was busy and didn't want to bother him.
I guess I really didn't know who I was looking for, because I didn't have a face to match the name.
We'll have to start an "Official This is Me! Photo thread" for next year to post our lovely mugs.
Ha Ha!
I was around.
But yeah...I didn't really get to meet anyone. Said Hi to J-Man, but figured he was busy and didn't want to bother him.
I guess I really didn't know who I was looking for, because I didn't have a face to match the name.
We'll have to start an "Official This is Me! Photo thread" for next year to post our lovely mugs.

why not do it now?
I actually don't want my face known. If anyone puts a face to all the bad-taste-jokes that I make on here, I'll probably get lynched during our next show.
I actually don't want my face known. If anyone puts a face to all the bad-taste-jokes that I make on here, I'll probably get lynched during our next show.

Start running....

Ha Ha!
I was around.
But yeah...I didn't really get to meet anyone. Said Hi to J-Man, but figured he was busy and didn't want to bother him.
I guess I really didn't know who I was looking for, because I didn't have a face to match the name.
We'll have to start an "Official This is Me! Photo thread" for next year to post our lovely mugs.

I wish I could have met you.............were you the one............oh yeah - NOW I remember you!! :heh: Miss you guys already!!

Chris :headbang: