greek shows confirmed

_Lenore_. said:
:worship: u made my day WOW! :)
what will you and Vinnie be wearing?
I think he will wear his vest and brown y fronts with his bright red shirt and shit tight leather pants with a rip in the front so his tackle can breath :grin:
_Lenore_. said:
dont to steal Vinnie away please please!!
ah no :lol: :lol: i think you should fight many *beat em up mode on* to take him ( :ill: ) all for you.all sorts of gals are always shouting happily because the Vinny boy is in town :lol: :ill:

(suspicious it might just be another e-terrorist:loco:
@Pieter i got online just now but you are not:( we'll arrange it if it doesnt happen by itself:)

i mean...........just how many of you lads are thinking of coming to Greece?????????/That will be amazing :tickled: i already know about a couple of you but who else?Dragonlady?Crack?Would be great to see you again :D :D :D

y know im already thinkin about graspop.Is there any chance that anathema will play there again?i read yesterday that MDB are maybe going there too.if theres a nice bill im deffo coming over in July heheeheheheh :D
@Ad Infinitum :wave: ennoeeitai tha pame se oles e? erthoun kai kammia hiliostoi apo tous edw tha ginei kali fasi*impatient* :D:D:D idi einai kapoioi standar kai oi alloi paizontai. heheheh ade prospathise na rtheis *pinch pinch*
elpizw na paixoun kala kai na mi mou ti spasei kanenas (xes twra oi klasikoi emetoi twn synayliwn) giati tha ton batsisw panagria:lol: ypothetw oti ellada tha paixoun pio kala .tha petaxoun kai kanena gamato xekarfwto na ginei hamos:D :D ade ela ehw agwnia:D
Den anhsyxw, gamata 8a paiksoun pali... :grin: De mas exoun apogohteusei pote :worship: (toulaxiston oxi emena) kai de nomizw oti 8a to kanoun twra...

Twra ws pros tous "emetous" pou les...:ill: panta uphrxan kai panta 8a uparxoun.:erk: Egw apla tous agnow kai gelaw mazi tous... Alla an prokeitai gia ksulo, eimai mesa :flame: :heh: :Shedevil::p
Ante, na perasei o kairos na katevw... Mou leipsate mwre :blush:
Yeah Pieter, Daphne, Duncan, Jussi, c'mmon you people, it'll be great to have you here all, a forum meeting in Greece, how e-romantic! :grin:

I'm glad it's gonna take place in Rodon, much better than Gagarin, dunno why, guess it's the memories :Spin:

So c'mmon!!! :hotjump:

Liako Sophia :wave:
Fock it'd be nice. I still might have to skip it because of other stuff :( I'm tryin to figure out what to do later this year tho, so it could be that I'll make it there this time. Aah, too early to tell, tho.
Crack Hitler said:
Fock it'd be nice. I still might have to skip it because of other stuff :( I'm tryin to figure out what to do later this year tho, so it could be that I'll make it there this time. Aah, too early to tell, tho.
mate, u've heard Elska mentioning Dries, Kim and me coming over like? :cool:
If its still ok with you guys, all odds are we gonna fly from Hellsinki thru Zurich to Athens to check out the greek dates like :hotjump:

so what dates are confirmed right now?