greek shows confirmed

nai re gamwto:( k gw ehw tabourwthei edw na poume kai ena mina peripou kai ehw alles 2 vdomades wspou na paw thessniki.ade tha kanoume to reunion ton aprilio :lol: ok lets drop the greek stuff ;)
:OMG: wow things have been said without my presence hehe!! guys try to come over,it will be hell :lol: :lol: :lol: im already impatient !!!!form time to time there are cheap flights to greece.look it up and us know :D :D :D im already thinking of it and smiling sardonically (:lol: ) to the screen:D:D:D i bet those concerts will be hell .i know:D
I always wanted to visit Greece so I'll try my best to hit it in a near future (Greece + Anathema would deffo be a killah combination) but I wanna stay at one of ye Zeus sons' house and eat everything in yer cold fridges. :grin:
Achernar said:
Deu pra perceber que era grego mas devo afirmar que não consegui captar nada. :grin:
boohoohoo:loco: dont bash us for the greek bits :p
if you can come over do it.will be fun,indeed.there are cheap hotels too.Dragonlady knows:Spin:
Today I found out that I will actually have 3 weeks easter vacation, so I won't have to come back here right after the Athens' shows :)

Anathema-forum meeting in Athens... It's gonna be funfunfunfunfunfunfun :hotjump: :kickass::Smokin: :hotjump: :grin:
@Dwra: gia mena den exei xairetoura??? :waah: :waah: :waah: :p :wave: :grin:
somnium_in_tenebris said:
@Pieter i got online just now but you are not we'll arrange it if it doesnt happen by itself i mean...........just how many of you lads are thinking of coming to Greece?????????/That will be amazing i already know about a couple of you but who else?Dragonlady?Crack?Would be great to see you again

y know im already thinkin about graspop.Is there any chance that anathema will play there again?i read yesterday that MDB are maybe going there too.if theres a nice bill im deffo coming over in July heheeheheheh
yeah deffo come over :hotjump: anathema will play as well i guess. id be surprised if it wouldnt happen.

greece aaaaaaah :) ive been checking flights today. :Spin:
eeeeeeeela twra re xrysw.tha se zoupixw ligo kai de tha klais:P anathema forum meeting in greece.original at least:D thats the best thing about internet and travels u know.knowing people and getting them to visit your country with a good reason :Spin: great great great great! i hope more people decide to come over? eh? Morpheuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssss!!!!!

i need to get on msn but i have to study :( and im being sucha bad student posting on this

btw marco, hotels arent that cheap really in greece. well not in tniki at least. there are few ones but they are in the hard core area. so with not knowing the place there ill stay away there.....
btw chrysa (a mate, i know you would help too sophia but she was first :p ) is helping me out for a hotel in tniki. we'll stay there for the longest time anyway. since we will arrive the 10th en the gig will hopefully be the 16th. getting back at the 18th. ah mehdi would ve been proud of me when im saying that i will take my girlfriend for a kebab :loco: souvlaki power!
:erk: piet i didnt even know you were coming to thessaloniki too !!!!but what am i talking about,im not even on msn to even talk,or even in thessaloniki to help *mumbles mumbles* i didnt know you even had the intention to come over to us eheh:D nice one cos chrysa will help out for a better schedule and *action plan* ( :lol: )than i did alone.two minds together its better:) niiiiiiiiice!!!