Green Carnation - Journey To The End of Night


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
This album rules. Everyone praises Green Carnation for Light of Day, Day of Darkness (which I feel is well composed album) but it is not the defining moment of their career. Their newest album, also well done, isn't their best work either. This title belongs to their (comparatively) little known debut album.

Journey to the End of Night quick background:

Formed by Tchort (Carpathian Forest, Ex. Emperor, Ex. Satyricon) and the Botteri brothers (In The Woods...),
Green Carnation draws fresh blood into the Doom Metal Scene with their concept album, "Journey to the end of the night".

A musical crash between Candlemass and early Pink Floyd - Psychedelic Doom Metal.

The lineup on this album features X-Botteri and Christopher Botteri of In The Woods... which automatically should have put it on the radar for you ITW... fanatics out there when it was released.

I need to pull a NAD and save this thread before its too late.
