Green Carnation new projects


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia said:
Tchort reveals to band members....

that he started working on ideas for what might become Light of Day, Day of Darkness part II and III. Tchort said "that I never thought about continuing on the path set with Light of Day, Day of Darkness - until now. Lately I have gotten new ideas that excites me alot. It might just be the weather and all the lite-dressed girls outside lately that makes me feel this way, but it also might be a rush of genuine inspiration that such work as making a second and third part would require".

LoD, DoD Pt. II and III......

I don't know what you think, but that sounds like a retarded idea to me, although it might pan out......

Bah, who am I kidding, it will suck.
As long as he doesn't pull a Crimson II on us (I actually like some parts of it, but Swano could have used it towards something else rather than try to give the previous album an unnecessary companion) and avoids the forced sequel syndrome, it should still have some degree of quality...
I didn't hear Blessing in Disguise, mostly 'cause I heard it was really proggy, and we all know, that sucks.

LODDOD was really good, but I haven't listened to it in ages. I never listen to their debut. I'm really not interested in this band anymore.

Bring back In the Woods...
New bands are about to spawn from the ITW ashes according to their website . It has to be better than GoC , otherwise this would be a big waste
Tranquillian said:
In the woods.... > the rest of the norwegian scene
In The Woods... > just about every band ever.

New bands are about to spawn from the ITW ashes according to their website . It has to be better than GoC , otherwise this would be a big waste
Did you get the double live album? If you got it early, you got a free sampler from the label set up by some of the ITW guys, Karmakosmetix. Had lots of stuff on, some really bad (I seem to remember some hip hop track or something) but some was good, and most were ITW related somehow. Naervaer are the best band related to ITW, but Green Carnation are quite good. Naervaer fucking rule though.
Yes , i got that sampler , never paid attention to (well not seriously) , I should
Damn , that's true . The bulk of it is just irrelevant and suck . Eww .. Bring ITW back please
i like the Black Bone Chapel song. has a bit of a Doors sound going on and the Johnny Cash cover by Egil Olsen or something.